He knew she would - there would be a world of hurt if he didn't heed her instructions when it came to healing. Her admonishing even when they had only been acquaintances was discernible enough; he shuddered to imagine what she would do if he tried the same thing now. She was within reach, and so he raised a hand to her, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes which only fluttered back down, refusing to stay in place. It was of no matter given that was never the reason why he reached out to touch her in the first place.
And he meant it too — wanted to let her know exactly how much he meant it and how much he wanted to take her in his arms and never let go. But this was not the right place. He wanted it to be, wanted to leap out of the bed and kneel in front of her and ask her to marry him, but a hospital setting - as much as she was devoted to her work - was not what Marie deserved to be proposed to in. No, he would do this properly. For now, he would have to be content with her staying by his side as long as she was willing. "Make sure you get some rest yourself, though. You worked hard, and you must be exhausted."
And he meant it too — wanted to let her know exactly how much he meant it and how much he wanted to take her in his arms and never let go. But this was not the right place. He wanted it to be, wanted to leap out of the bed and kneel in front of her and ask her to marry him, but a hospital setting - as much as she was devoted to her work - was not what Marie deserved to be proposed to in. No, he would do this properly. For now, he would have to be content with her staying by his side as long as she was willing. "Make sure you get some rest yourself, though. You worked hard, and you must be exhausted."