Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
I no I sed I was guna rite you rite when I was sorted but we had to go rite to the comin room and I fell asleep. Holy Merlin Gideon Hogwarts has a milyun foods. I ate probable seven dezerts. And meet pi. And pumpkin juce. I think I'm guna be fat soon.
Neways. I am a Hufflepuf! I dunno if it's a good house or not yet but it must be pretty good cuz Quin AND Gus was in it. Sorry I didn't get into Slitherin! The comon room is really coze and it has a lot of plants. Good thing I like plants! Gess what the best part is? No stoopid Jimy Flecher. I have only kinda met the othur kids. They seem pretty nis. One of the Pots sistrs is here.
Neways this owlry is reely dam far but it has a reely good vew. I need to get bak. An older kid took me all the way here so I culd rite this fast.
Hurrah for Hufflepuff! You're quite right that some of the very best people in the world have been Hufflepuffs, and you're certainly a credit to the list. They're lucky to have you. I've heard their common room is right next to the kitchens, and they can sneak in for midnight snacks without getting caught by the prefects — but if you try to test it, don't try it too often and don't blame it on me if you do get caught.
And you must try not to get fat, no matter how many desserts and midnight snacks you eat. You won't be able to run as fast or climb as many trees if you do. And just think how much harder it would be to fly!
I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends, and I hope you like all your classes, too. Some may be hard at first, but if you stick with them I know you'll do well.
I don't mind that you're not a Slytherin.
[silly drawing of a cross-eyed snake with its tongue out]
I duno if I am gona have to sneek into the kichens. The food just keeps apeering on the plates! Just when I'm sad that Romilda is gona eat all the chikin, sudenly there's more! I even put stuf in my pockits for later. I ges that aynt steeling cuz they are giving it to us alredy. I think.
Ok I won't get fat! I don't wana be a pig on a broom.
A lot of the clases are hard. They write so much on the bord and keep talking befor I can read it all. Most of them other kids no how to do that fast as a snich. I like the doing spels part. And herboligy is fun. Miss Montagoo and the Pots showed me lots so I no some stuf alredy! I think I am gona like poshuns. You can read that slowle to make sure evry thing is exacly rite. We also get to do flying clas. I can't wat.
Some of my frends are here but in difrent howses. Like An and Birde. Most of the pepul in my howse are nis but one girl in my dorm don't like me. And some pepul wispir but I punched one of them I pretend I don't here nothin. There's so many rools. And not just school ones. I hate it.
I liked your pictur of the snake. I showd pepul and they laft.
Are you doing ok? Is the shop ok? Are you remembring to eat and visit Quin? And not drinking lots Don't forget bowt me ok? I miss you. Soot says Hi.
Oh, dear, I'm afraid I had entirely forgotten to eat! It's a good thing you said something in your letter; I hadn't had a single bite since you went to the boats. I just went to have dinner and it turns out I'm starving! I don't know how it could have slipped my mind for so long.
I wouldn't worry too much about your friends being in other houses. You'll still have plenty of classes with them and you can be friends and play together during all of your free time at school. Actually, you might find you have more friends outside of your house than you do in it — living with people can make you less keen on them. Especially if they snore.
I'm glad you like herbology and potions. I liked potions, too — I think it's the class most like wandmaking, though it's still very different. Keep trying hard on in your other classes and I'm sure they'll get easier. You might try to take a few minutes every night to read a book from the library — a fun book like an adventure story. It would help you practice reading faster. I know it might not sound fun to take time out of your adventuring to read a book, but it might help.
Tell Soot I say hello. I forgot that you took him with you and put out his food dish the day after you left, and this other cat wandered in and has been hanging around the shop ever since, so I suppose I've got a new pet. It's a little strange looking, though. What do you think?
I bet you can't ever gess what not in a milyun yeers. And no I aynt expeled or fownd a nifler or nuthin.
I did it! I tried out for quidditch and the only opening they had was for a seeker not chayser like Gus but gess what?! I MADE THE TEEM. I'm gona be the Hufflepuff seeker! I gess caching all them rats and cats and them peske bowtrukls was good practis. I hope I do real good in a game. Hermea said she wood help me with quidditch and clases a littel.
Gideon ya didn't have to make fun and just said you was eting ok. I just wure cuz you are all alown now. Quin is good cumpane but he don't remember some things ether.
No bude snores but one of them girls talks in her sleep. Weerd things like cactises dansing with teepots.
I will try to be real good at potions then if it is kinda good for wandmaking. I fownd some books abowt creechers that I am going to read and this boy showed me one that's a real mistree.
Gideon! That aynt a cat! Maybe you need to get your eys chekt by a heeler. I know your old but I didn't think you was that old.
What did you name it??? I hope it don't make a mes of all the wands. Or poop on the flor. Speshuly sins I can't sweep it real good til krismus. That's a long time from now.
OK I gota go. I have to not fall asleep in astronomy. This class is way to late.
What marvelous, excellent, exciting, incredible news! I am absolutely delighted! Though of course not surprised; you are the best in all Hogsmeade at catching small things that don't want to be caught. You're actually a professional, and I'll bet none of the other students at Hogwarts could say that (speaking of which, I think your customers miss you; the rats are taking over the alley behind the bookstore. I believe they may begin building their own little rat-city back there soon, that's how brazen they've become). Do write and tell me how practice is going and when your first match is. Will they have a match that we're allowed to come and watch? If they do, make sure they leave a whole row open and I'll bring Quinn and Miss Robins and everyone else who misses you so much and we'll all cheer you on.
And don't worry, I'm not all alone. I've got my new pet now, remember? And I'm sure soon I shall have at least a dozen rats setting up their own miniature wand-making business in the back of my workshop...
What do you think I ought to name him? I've just been calling him Cat. (I'm certain that's what he is; what was that bit about getting my eyes checked?)
I hope Cat gets along with the rats or there shall be trouble brewing...
[drawing of two rats waving swords at a cowering ferret]
But do let me know about the Quidditch match, as soon as you can.