February 4th, 1890 — Magical Docks, London
Winter had to be Jo's least favorite season to travel. What was normally a tolerable trip across the Atlantic was wrought in rough waters and frigid air. By the time the crew cheered for land she was a sick, miserable mess of blankets below deck. Even Saturn, who despised sailing more than Jo would ever comprehend, fared better than she this trip. It was safe to say she would be waiting for Spring at least before heading back to South America.
Which was why her temper exploded when she realized her trunk hadn't been delivered to her residence as arranged with the captain. She and Saturn both knew their focus would be anywhere but retrieving their belongings once docked. Mars was a widow at only twenty-one — Jo's attention couldn't be anywhere but on her grieving twin. How could it when the guilt of not being present ate at her throughout the entirety of the past three weeks?
She moved quickly between the docked ships, eyes scanning quickly for the Serena. The deal struck with the captain hadn't come cheaply, to have to leave Mars' side so soon after arriving home only served to irritate her further. The galleons would be returned — she would insist upon it. Not to mention her belongings had best not been riffled through. Jo didn't care for her clothing, but there were several sentimental tokens from her travels stashed in them. If those were missing ... the Lord himself would have to appear to stop her fury.