Nicknames: Most people can feel free to call her Rosie... unless her husband or parents are around. Than only gal-pals.
Birthdate: May 15, 1852
Current Age: 41
Occupation: Disgruntled Socialite
Reputation: Staff Discretion
Respectable and coming from a respectable family, her only known negative light is that her husband is ambitious enough that he worked their family into the upper class from the middle class, this development was almost two years ago. She does not share his ambition.Residence: London for the Season
Hogsmeade for the Off-Season
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Walnut, 9", slightly rigid, silky hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Husband: Jackson Flitwick (1848)Appearance:
Daughter: Isabella Rosewell née Flitwick (1872)
and family
Son: George Flitwick (1875)
Daughter: Emma Flitwick (1876)
Daughter: Nancy Flitwick (1879)
Son: Anthony Flitwick (1882)
Father: Jacob Mills (1825)
Mother: Regina Mills (1832)
Brother: Henry Mills (1856)
Father-in-Law: Andrew Flitwick (1823)
Mother-in-Law: Lily Flitwick (1828)
General | Rosie is tall for the average Victorian Era woman at 5 feet 5 inches. Her blonde hair is fairly long and has a subtle wave when loose. Her grey eyes may remind someone of a thunderstorm, especially when she is mad.History:
Expressions | The look of distain this woman can give could shatter any grown man's confidence. Even when calm, her facial expression often remains tense. Her smile is definitely worth it when earned.
Deportment | Rosie carries herself as a middle class woman would, much to the annoyance of her husband. Her posture isn't perfect, but her family had been well off enough to maintain a governess in her youth and her lessons still hold strong, for the most part.
Fashion | Despite being vastly uncomfortable with the new status that she finds herself in, she relents to wear the clothing to fit the position. Mostly taking advice from the upper class ladies that deem fit to actually treat her as a person and not a problem.
Accessories | When her husband is away, she tends to only wear the bare minimum in accessories. She was never one for fancy 'elegance'. When her husband is home, she will wear whatever jewelry his new money has afforded them for this lavish lifestyle.
Scent | Mostly fresh soap and flower water. She refuses to use perfume unless it was gifted to her by a genuine, well-meaning friend.
Face Claim | Yvonne Strahovski
Childhood 1852 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mills, she is the first child of the couple. 1856 A brother is born and named Henry. Education 1863 — 1864 Off to Hogwarts, she is sorted into Slytherin. 1867 — 1868 Rosie becomes Slytherin prefect. Her family is delighted by the news. Her OWLs scores are also brilliant. 1869 — 1870 First Head Girl, then impressive NEWTs scores. Rain falls on her parade when she is informed by her parents that she is not permitted to go looking for a job. While it was never encouraged to begin with, her ambition had given her hope. Wedded NightmareBliss1871 After an unsuccessful season — more on Rosie's bitterness towards her parents, and therefor reluctance to really try at finding a husband — her parents decide to arrange a marriage between Jackson and Rosie. While Rosie is not a fan of the idea, her parents make it clear that her opinion doesn't matter and that she is to act as though she is happy about it. The pair are married by early-summer. 1872 Their first child, a daughter, is born and named Isabella. Jackson insists that Rosie start trying to make some richer friends. Establish herself more with the upper class wives of society. She reluctantly obeys. Perhaps some new friends wouldn't be too bad. 1875 A son is born and named George. Rosie adores her children and tries her best to act as the happy wife for their sake. Even still, Jackson's whole personality weighs down on her like an anchor. After a while, she begins a quiet affair with a man who is kinder, gentler, and smarter than her husband ever could be.
They are incredibly careful and discreet. To counteract any possibility of getting caught, Rosie maintains an active presence in the bedroom with her husband with careful timing to keep it within a week, if not days, of when she has a chance to spend time with her lover. She has absolutely no clue which of her children are legitimate and which are not beyond this point. While her husband and lover aren't identical — she would be way too unsettled by that — they look enough alike that any traits that seem 'out of place' from the children would be small and assumed as inherited from a 'distant relation'.1876 Another daughter is born and named Emma. 1878 Jackson starts getting insistent that they need to have another boy. That if he's going to make something of himself, an heir and a spare are essential. Rosie calls bs but keeps her opinions to herself mostly because Jackson's temper is loud, and their kids don't need to hear it. 1879 Bringing another daughter into the family doesn't help to ease the tension between the married couple. While fine out around others, behind closed doors sees silencing charms and yelling. Rosie can't comprehend how he can be so insistent on having such a 'perfect' image when social climbing just leaves her feeling cheap and gross. Adding more children into things certainly doesn't seem to be helping. 1882 Finally the anticipated 'spare' — she hates that it feels like that is all Jackson sees from these children — is born and named Anthony. The couple cease any marital contact after this, which is fine by Rosie. Though it does leave the matter of risking a bastard from her lover more complicated. Through secret discussions, physical contact is reluctantly off the table. It breaks her heart, but both agree the risk is too great. Their relationship is more than that, however, so doesn't suffer much by this development. 1883 Isabella is off to Hogwarts and makes Rosie proud by getting sorted into Slytherin. 1884 Rosie gets the laughing plague. It is really bad, and she was surprised that she survived. 1887 — 1888 Rosie is quietly disappointed that Isabella was not appointed prefect, though keeps up the supportive demeanor. Even still, she values her children's education and doesn't appreciate that Jackson waves off the girl's education whenever it is brought up. 1890 After Isabella's graduation, she's out in society and Jackson's pressure for Rosie to reach out to the upper class also falls on their eldest daughter now. Luckily for Isabella, she and a son of one of Rosie's actual friends in the rich circles actually start falling in love. Through public courtship and engagement, they are married by the end of the following year. Rosie is relieved, Jackson is smug. The Rich Life Late 1891 Some financial deals go Jackson's way. People start to take the Flitwick family a bit more seriously in the upper circles of society. Rosie isn't too pleased with these developments, especially with how in her face Jackson is about it. Then... he's gone. Off to New York to make further connections in America and find some suitors for his other daughters, not that Rosie knows that last detail. 1892 Word finally gets back to Rosie about Jackson's plans to marry off her daughters, seeing 17 as the end goal, rather than a graduated debutante. Flash backs to her own arranged and miserable marriage haunt her. She is furious. Enough so to send a howler to her husband, telling him to calm his efforts and find some reason to his insanity. She is met with letters calling her hysterical and dismissing her concerns. 1893 Most of this summer sees the family in New York. Rosie is still fuming when Jackson demands that she vacate the entire household from their Hogsmeade home to a new, more lavish home in London once the children are off to school. The Wellingtonshire home will be for the off-season in future years to come, but he wants it established and leaves this completely to her, while he is going back and forth. He makes little effort in any command aside from bossing her around and making it clear that her opinion on any of this means nothing to him.
In Public | Rosie makes clear effort to display that of a happy wife in a happy life. Perhaps too much of an effort, as her distaste for her current place in life can be felt by those that pride themselves on being observant. She's overall fairly friendly, though she does have a habit of putting her foot in her mouth when she feels that someone is not that bright and has a habit of seeming like a 'know-it-all'. Her friendship circles can be seen as a mix of the upper and middle circles of society, though her husband has expressed his distaste for her maintenance of the later relations.Other:
In the Home | Her children are everything to her. Rosie tries to keep them out of the tension between herself and Jackson. Though as they get older, this gets exceptionally harder. Especially as his ego grows with each of his successes. Their marriage is a joke. Her love of her children is expressed in a mixture of support and tough love. Each child is met with a different energy based on their personalities, and this can leave them feeling tense towards one another — their father's behavior surely doesn't help these sibling tensions either.
Amortentia | She doesn't care to remember, and tries as much as possible to avoid the stuff
Patronus | Has never cast one
Boggart | Herself, dressed in very fancy clothing with a lost look in her eyes
Hogwarts Clubs| Book and Music on Harp
Adult Clubs| The Rose & Thistle (formerly sponsored by the widowed Mrs. Rosewell)
Star Sign | Taurus
Hobbies | Knitting, reading, and playing the harp
Pets | An owl named William
Age: 25