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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Gilbert Whitechapel
Full Name: Gilbert Whitechapel
Nicknames: Gil
Birthdate: January 12, 1868
Current Age: 20 years
Occupation: Magical Maintenance Hogsmeade Hospital & Inventor
Reputation: 6  Working class muggleborn who has an interest in taking muggle items and trying to 'make them better' with magical experimentation that doesn't always go right.  He also has severe mood swings, and, in modern times, he would have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Residence: The Slums, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Walnut, 10 3/4", dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
Social Class: Working
Finnegan Whitechapel - Father (1854-1880) - Muggle
Mary Whitechapel - Mother (1850-1880) - Muggle
Harry Whitechapel (1866) - Muggle
Henry Whitechapel -Brother (1869) - Muggle
Hazel Whitechapel - Sister (1870) - Witch
William Whitechapel - Brother (1872-1880) - Muggle
Colin Whitechapel - (1873) - Wizard
Cora Whitechapel - (1875-1880) - Muggle
Evie Whitechapel - (1877) - Witch
George Whitechapel - (1879-1880) - Muggle

Theodore Trigg, Sr. - (1838) - Surrogate Uncle - Upper Middle Class Wizard
Theodore "Teddy" Trigg, Jr. (1868) - Best Friend & Almost Brother - Upper Middle Class Wizard

Appearance: Standing at five feet and ten inches, Gilbert is a fairly gangly guy.  He isn't terribly muscular, but he is surprisingly strong despite his not so athletic appearance.  His dark brown, almost black hair is constantly tousled about and rarely tamed.  His slender fingers are ink stained and dirty due to all his tinkering and maintenance duties.  He has green eyes that are either always laughing or incredibly downcast and cynical.  He is right handed.  His attire is both simple and eccentric.  It has the shabby, hand-me-down appearance, but he adds strange touches, such as the elaborate patches he uses to decorate and mend his clothing.  He is oddly proud of them.  Gil also has an interesting fascination with hats of all sorts.
History: Gilbert was born the second child to muggles, Finnegan and Mary Whitechapel.  Finnegan, a workhouse orphan, was given the surname Whitechapel based upon the part of London he was born in.  He passed the name on to his wife and children.  

Gilbert grew up in the slums of London.  It was a difficult life, especially with his parents continuing to add more children into the family with every passing year.  His father worked on the docks helping to load and unload ships.  His mother was a washer woman.  The children either begged or worked odd jobs here and there.  

Gilbert was nine when he first showed signs of magic.  He had been down the docks with his brother, working on sorting fish, when he knocked over an entire barrel of mackerel.  In a panic, he had made the barrel right itself with the fish all back inside.  They weren't allowed down there again.

At age 11, he received his invitation to Hogwarts, and a representative came to speak with him and his family, explaining everything.  By that time, his sister Hazel had started to show signs of magic, as well.  His parents weren't very happy about some of their children showing magic, but they weren't cruel.  It was a topic they preferred not to speak of.  They allowed Gil to attend Hogwarts on scholarship.  

At school, he became close with his year mate Teddy Trigg.  He taught Gilbert how to read and anything else he needed to become successful at Hogwarts.  The two were inseparable.  Teddy had found the 'brother' he had always wanted, and Gilbert had a friend who wasn't also related to him.

In second year, tragedy struck.  A cholera outbreak swept through London, and it hit the slums worst of all.  His parents and three siblings were lost to the epidemic.  With nowhere to go, Teddy's father Theodore took Gilbert and his sister Hazel in.  The other children were taken in by neighbors of the Whitechapel family.  

Gil was able to keep his grades up and receive a scholarship up through his fifth year of school.  After that, he dropped out and set out to work odd jobs.  Teddy stayed until seventh year.  Hazel also dropped out around fifth year and found a more permanent job.

When his younger siblings started to show signs of magic, he was sent to explain it to them.  They receive some aid from Theodore, but he can't afford to support them all.  Colin lives at Hogwarts most of the year, and Evie is set to start this coming year.  The muggle families they reside with take care of their basic needs.  Now that Gilbert and Hazel are older, they also send them all what they can, money-wise.  Evie often stays with Hazel.  Colin sometimes stays with Gilbert.

Currently, he works in magical maintenance at the Hogsmeade Hospital.  It's a position he has held for almost a year, which is the longest he has worked anywhere.  He also tinkers in his spare time, trying to create all sort of inventions.

Personality: Gilbert alternates between two, extreme mood states.  He is most often high on life, always on the go.  His thoughts race so quickly that sometimes he can't exactly get out what he wants to say in a way that other people might understand.  He jumps from one subject to another, making connection after connection, somehow arriving at some sort of brilliant conclusion.  Gil is incredibly creative and always thinking up new ideas for inventions.  His body is rarely still, and he is awake more often than he is asleep.  His current profession as a magical maintenance worker suits him.  There is always something to fix and do, and he can expend his energy by performing all sort of tasks.  He is very gregarious, flirtatious, and always laughing.  

However, sometimes he slips into a very deep, and, sometimes, unexplainable depression.  He becomes listless, uncaring, tires all the time.  Gilbert doesn't want to move, and he has dark, cynical thoughts.  He might not show up to work, or decide he needs a new job altogether.  He just feels empty and tries to cut off all social contact he can.  His inventing falls to the wayside.

Because he has such large shifts in his personality, it is often difficult for him to keep close friends, lovers, and jobs.  His surrogate "uncle" supports him and his siblings, but has felt the need to head off on his own, which has been more disastrous than not.
Other: His best friend, and year mate, Teddy Trigg is one of the few people who can truly help him navigate through life and help pull him out of depression.
Name: Finn
Age: 27
Contact: PM or Skype
Other Characters: Billie Farrow, Leo Lupin, Archer Belby, Fleur Rey
How did you hear about us?: RPG-D

[Image: BorPlA.png]
By Hawke! <3
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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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