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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Captain to Captain
July 11th, 1888



I hope you don’t find my writing to you terribly out of the blue, and I am afraid I must swear you to secrecy from your father, at least for the moment. You and I were quidditch captains together, so I know you appreciate and enjoy the sport, and so I cannot help but wonder—what was it that made you decide to pursue auror training over a quidditch career? The same choice has weighed heavily upon me since writing my O.W.L.s, and while I do not regret my decision to join the Cannons, I wonder more and more if it was, ultimately, the right one.

Do not worry—I do not expect a terribly profound response, simply a small window into your own mind. Perhaps I am simply over-complicating matters within my own.


C. Allaway

Castor's face has several smallpox scars that are usually disguised with a salve.
14th July, 1888


Not at all; I'm always glad to receive a letter from a friend, and I promise my father shan't hear a word of it. Although I'm not certain how much help I'll be. What's more, I can't lie to you and pretend I've not asked myself the same question in reverse - maybe this "over-complicating things" lark is contagious. Or perhaps it's normal?

I don't doubt my father would have been chuffed if I had gone on to the Cannons, but I think at the time I was looking for something a little more... serious? I thought I'd try for some independence, if you like, branch out into something new. At the time, I suppose I thought auror training offered more direction in the long-term, but even if quidditch is temporary, at least you have every opportunity to find a change of pace afterwards, where, by then, I might have - well, missed the opportunity?

You'd think I'd not have time to miss quidditch, what with my training schedule! But I do, all the same.

Hope the fog is treating you more kindly than it is the quidditch season—
Theo Gallivan

July 17th, 1888


The cancellation of quidditch has come as something of a relief to me—living in Irvingly, I would not have been able to play even if the league were in session, and so at least this way I don't feel as though I'm missing out.

Not to criticize, but you are not altogether helpful! You did warn as much, though, and I must thank you for your candour. Perhaps one of these days we will get some of the lads together for a pickup match—if the fog ever abates. It would be nice to trounce you again on the pitch.


C. Allaway

Castor's face has several smallpox scars that are usually disguised with a salve.
22nd July, 1888


Not surprised I was no help, I almost expect you'd have more luck with a crystal ball for figuring out your fate. Maybe I should turn to the tea leaves, myself.

If you have any questions in particular about Auror training, I can probably manage them - not that Law Enforcement is a mystery akin to whatever Unspeakable training involves to begin with, but an inside perspective might prove useful to you if you find yourself mulling over the matter further.

When the fog lifts - I'm sure it must, eventually, I can scarcely stand it either - I'll look forward to that match. But playing in the leagues must have gotten to your head, Allaway; I may be rusty, but I'm not that rusty.

Theo Gallivan

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