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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Titus Nott
Full Name: Titus Erasmus Nott
Nicknames: Ti but will often not respond to nicknames.
Birthdate: August 26, 1870
Current Age: 23 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Scholar
Reputation: 8
is not very active within society.
his brother had a divorce recently.
might be seen as eccentric by some.
is a registered magpie animagus.

Residence: Hellington Cross, a country manor house near Seething, Norfolk
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: 10 in., walnut, rigid, kelpie hair
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
father: Hephaestus Nott & b. 1836
mother: Aurelia Nott & b. 1841
brother: Hadrian Nott & b. 1863
sister: Livia ____ née Nott & b. 1865
sister: Cleopatra Nott & b. 1872

face claim: Logan Lerman
height: 5 ft 7.5 in
build: average
eyes: blue
hair colour: dark brown
hair style: typical hair style of an upper class man, prone to waviness. The state of his facial hair tells how deep into a research or academic project he is as the more stubble he has, the more into it he currently is. If he is clean-shaven, he has either hit a dead end or is between projects.
wand hand: Right
distinguishing features: a star shaped birthmark on his right shoulder blade that shows up on his animagus form.
scent: coffee, cedarwood, hint of smoke
demeanor: Titus carries himself in a 'proper', almost rigid manner. He does not like direct eye contact though masks this well. With a brain that's always Active and going through a hundred scenarios a second, being completely idle does not sit quite right with him and can make him feel quite anxious though he has gotten good at hiding this from people. He has a mild tendency to fidget with things when his anxiety is having a flare-up.
fashion: Titus dresses in the typical way of an upper class man. He favours darker colours.

1870Titus is born a second son in August of 1870. He is a quiet baby that does not fuss all that much unless there is an overly disruptive change in his daily routine.
1872Titus gains another sister who is the last among them to be born. Being two years old or so, Titus does not pay her much mind.
1874Hadrian goes off to Hogwarts and Titus does not wholly appreciate his absence. He is too used to Hadrian being there for him to follow around and lowkey idolize as some young siblings are wont to do with their oldest siblings.
1876Livia also goes off to Hogwarts and Titus is thisclose to developing a complex about it. The letters home from Hadrian and occasionally Livia help alleviate that though. Especially when his first signs of magic crop up, ensuring that he too will one day go to Hogwarts.
School Days
1881-82Hadrian graduates and there is a lot of drama that happens. Father becomes quite sick and then Hadrian is gone. That September, Titus goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin.
1882-1885Titus relishes being at Hogwarts and soaks up every academic bit of information that he possibly can. He adds Ancient Runes, Earth Magic and Ancient Studies as his electives when the time for them comes. He also spends a lot of time doing work for his brother who sends things back for him to deal with. He finds it enjoyable and fulfilling though Hadrian's tasks lessen somewhat as the years go by.
1885-1888Titus gets new added responsibilities when he gets a prefect badge in the mail. He is definitely not a prefect you want to be caught breaking the rules by as he is inflexible. Because the rules are rules for a reason, you miscreants.

One of the hardest things in his young life comes when he is told he has to pare down to seven courses, maximum. For him, it feels like a mother choosing which of her child gets to live because a shipwrecks lifeboat only has room for one more.

He eventually settles on axing Ancient Runes, Astronomy, Earth Magic and Herbology from his calendar and adding Alchemy. He continues on studying his abandoned four courses on his own time which admittedly he has very little of.
1888-90Titus graduates and does the whole grand tour thing with a group of his friends. When he returns, he dives head first into a research project on animagus. Which he had honestly started in his sixth year but kept having to put aside due to other obligations. Now his time is his own though.

He takes on many academic research projects on top of still occasionally helping his brother with his things. He has his setup just the way he likes it and quickly develops a routine that he rarely deviates from. In 1890, he succeeds in becoming a magpie animagus.
1892-1894A new educational institution called The Flint Institute begins offering courses and Titus is among the first of its new students. He quickly becomes a fixture there and takes advantage of every resource the place can offer him. Life is perfect, life is grand, Titus has all he could ever want out of life.

At least until Hadrian gets a divorce and eventually comes back home full time. With a living menagerie and a bunch of his specimens. It is a disruption, too big of a change all at once and some of these animals refuse to stay out of his space where his books and equipment live. Titus begins to seriously consider taking up residence in the Flint Institutes accommodations.

In a modern world, Titus would likely be diagnosed as being somewhere on the autistic spectrum. He is sensible and responsible with an attachment to rules and routine. He does not handle spontaneous major changes very well. He is introverted and can be a tad shy. He also has a poor read on conventional social cues. He is very intelligent, almost scarily so and can remember everything he has ever read. His brain is always on the go and he does not handle being idle very well. This is likely why his father has chosen to have him taught estate management, upkeep and has him help with the family finances.


Ancient RunesE
Ancient StudiesEE
Defense Against the Dark ArtsEE
Earth MagicE
History of MagicOO

Name: Kit
Age: 30+
Contact: Discord, PM
Other Characters: Many, I'm the reason it takes so long to scroll the CD

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look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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