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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Hogwarts Student Staff Selection 1894
Student Staff Selection '94


Hogwarts' student staff serve as role models for their fellow students.  Additionally, they reinforce/penalize good and bad behaviour by issuing and taking away house points. In addition to prestige, prefects receive half of their tuition and heads all of their tuition in exchange for their efforts. They also get to use the prefects’ toilets because that is clearly a selling point.

Faculty recommendations will be handled privately, NOT via the prefect apps.

To apply, make sure your character meets the demographic in question (IE sixth year Ravenclaw female should be a female student in Ravenclaw house who will be in sixth year in September) and has at least 10 posts on their account. Head students do not need to have been prefects first, but it will help their case if they were.

Characters approved on or after June 1st only need five posts on their account—so you’re welcome to make a character to fit the bill ;) You must post the form below as a reply to this thread from the account in question.

[b]Character Name:[/b]  (Please tag AND post from the appropriate account!)
[b]Applying For:[/b] What position do you want?
[b]Class & Blood Status:[/b] Public perception, please. Don’t tell me half-veela if your character is perceived as a muggleborn or something xD
[b]Why Should You Be Prefect:[/b]<blockquote>An IC-meets-OOC explanation. We know that not all characters would try to talk themselves up, but if they were trying to, what would they say? Linking to posted evidence can give you a much-needed boost! Threads from previous school years may be included here as evidence!</blockquote>

Currently, we are accepting applications for:
5th Gryffindor Male
6th Gryffindor Male
7th Gryffindor Male
5th Gryffindor Female
6th Gryffindor Female
5th Hufflepuff Male
6th Hufflepuff Male
5th Hufflepuff Female
6th Hufflepuff Female
7th Hufflepuff Female
5th Ravenclaw Male
5th Ravenclaw Female
6th Ravenclaw Female
5th Slytherin Male
6th Slytherin Male
5th Slytherin Female
Head Girl
Head Boy

All listed years are incoming—if your character just finished their fifth year, they can apply for sixth year posts. All positions for upper-year prefects will be retconned to your character having held the spot since their fifth year unless otherwise stated, and in applying, you consent to this.

Applications for the sixth and seventh year prefects officially close on July 19th. Applications for fifth year prefects, remaining sixth/seventh year prefects, Head Boy, and Head Girl close on July 23rd. You may continue to edit your application as long as it remains visible on this page!

Confused? Please post below with any questions you might have. You can also check out some of our past applications!

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

Character Name: Abraxas Crabbe
Applying For: Head Boy
Class & Blood Status: UCPB
Reputation: 10
Why Should You Be Prefect:
I may not be the headmaster's son, but I am the son's BFF a strong candidate, in my own humble opinion. I have already demonstrated reliability and dedication through my post on the quidditch team and my standing of Prefect, and believe I am a role model in two key areas.

Socially, I consider myself to be well-liked. While this alone does not qualify one for such a position, it should be noted that I have cultivated friendships both within my house and in others, and I do not restrict my friendships to those of a certain social class, having held a position on my house's quidditch team since my first year. I have been particularly loyal to my closest friends for much of my life.

Academically, I have sought high achievement since the beginning of my time at Hogwarts. I am a hardworking student who has had a love of understanding the world around me since I was a boy. I performed very well on my O.W.L. examinations ("other" section) and have enrolled in seven courses for further study. Though a loss in my family in September did impact my performance for a time, I have remained respectful and engaged in my classes (1, 2) this year. I also do not keep my brain to myself, helping other students with their academics when needed.

I thank you very much for your consideration.

Character Name: Violetta DeCroix
Applying For: Slytherin 5th year girls
Class & Blood Status: Upper Class, Pureblood
Reputation: 10
Why Should You Be Prefect:

To our faculty,

Nobody embodies what it means to love a school more than the girl who in her first year, wished to be somewhere else. Those feelings are long gone and this wonderful place is my home.

I would dearly like to be considered to be a prefect. I am punctual, polite and have a disciplinary record that is without blemishes. My etiquette is très magnifique which will help me in my endeavours to help other students shine and assist in group situations or assingments.

My English was poor when I first started Hogwarts, but I have persevered, as I do in class, including in subjects that I find Less enjoyable or more difficult. This is an important characteristic of a student that hopes to set an example.

I feel that I have the grace, poise and elegance that will allow me to set a good example for my peers and be a shining ambassador for our school. I have made friends in school, supporting our quidditch team with a passion befitting a prefect, whilst remaining a feminine distance from the actual practice.

Please consider my application with the merit that I hope you feel it deserves. I promise that you shall not be disappointed with my performance.

Yours sincerely,
Mademoiselle Violetta Elise Decroix

[Image: 3RXDJOR.png]

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