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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Frederick Patton
Full Name: Frederick Isiah Patton
Nicknames: Freddie, Fred
Birthdate: November 25, 1865
Current Age: 27 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Unspeakable
Reputation: 9
His mother is a staunch supporter of Sweetie Whitledges campaign.

Residence: London, England
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 1877-1884
Wand: walnut, 13", flexible, kneazle whisker
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
Family: Mrs. Patton is his mother.
face claim: Douglas Booth
ethnicity: White
height: 5 ft. 10½ in.
build: Muscular
eyes: Hazel
hair colour: Dark brown
hair style: Short, boyish cut
wand hand: Right
scent: Candle wax, ink and a hint of citrus & cedarwood
demeanor: Is on the more relaxed side whilst also maintaining the proper posture expected of an upper class man. Tends to give off an amiable and friendly vibe.
fashion: Wears clothing that is generally considered fashionable for an upper class man. Favours darker colours.


before hogwarts
1865 - 1876
1865:Frederick is born in late November of 1865. He is a calm, easy baby that rarely fusses.
1871:Freddie shows his first signs of accidental magic by causing the blankets in the nursery to change colour.
1872-1876:Freddies childhood is not very notable and is a typical one for a happy, upper class family. Well, as far as Freddie knows at least.
during hogwarts
1877 - 1884
1877-78:Frederick goes off to Hogwarts and is promptly sorted into Ravenclaw. He quickly proves quite adept at the practical side of academics. He isn't terrible at theoritical things but they do tend to hold his interest a little less.
1878-79:One of his dormmates urge him to try out for the Quidditch team. Freddie has no interest in doing so but does it anyway. He breathes a sigh of relief when he does not make the team.
1879-80:Freddie picks up Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Studies and Ancient Runes as his electives.
1881-82:His fifth year is heralded with the arrival of a prefects badge. Freddie takes to the role with gusto and is soon known to be fair-minded but firm as a prefect. He gets good grades on his OWLs save for Herbology which had always been his worst class.
1882-83:When the time comes for true choice in his Hogwarts schedule, Freddie drops some classes and picks up Alchemy. His class roster is full and his time in general is full with Head Boy duties - but he thrives in that sort of chaos.
1883-84:Freddie is appointed Head Boy in his seventh year. He then graduates with high NEWT marks. This is also the year he begins studying how to become an animagus.
after hogwarts
1884 - Now
1884:In July, Freddie begins working for the Floo Network Authority office in the Ministry. He also continues studying the art of animagi. He also joins The Society for the Transfiguration Arts which his mother was already a part of.
1885:Freddie is at work when there is an explosion at the Ministry. He comes out of it with only a couple of bumps and scrapes.
1886:After a couple of years of study, Freddie finishes his animagus training. He is successful and shifts into a tuxedo cat. He is greatly pleased with his accomplishment.
1887:In July of 1887, Frederick becomes an Unspeakable.
1890:Frederick is fascinated with the time ripple/disturbance that a Florida Man caused. This same year, Frederick is put off spectating Quidditch for quite a time when a young woman dies by bludger.
1891-92:Frederick's mother takes a motherless young woman from the Society under her wing. It isn't long until his mother his pestering him to get to know her. Sweetie is an interesting young woman and to her credit, Freddie does develop an interest. However, his mothers pushiness makes Freddie keep a bit of distance.
1893:By now, Freddies interest in Miss Sweetie Whitledge has a side of 'smitten' to it. He even adopts one of the girl kittens her cat has and names her Sapphire. Sweetie decides to run for Minister and Freddies mother is her greatest supporter, taking an active role in her campaign. Dragons attack London and his house is one of the casualties. He had been at the debate and was generally left unscathed throughout the crisis.


— resume —

July 1884 - June 1887: Floo Network Authority Employee
July 1887 - Present: Unspeakable


Ancient StudiesEE
Ancient RunesE
Care of Magical CreaturesE
Defense Against the Dark ArtsOO
History of MagicEE

— skills —
01. Can cast a corporal patronus that takes the form of a tuxedo cat. His best memory for this is currently of when he succeeded in becoming an animagus.
02. He is an animagus and takes the form of a tuxedo cat.
03. He is very skilled at spellcasting and potion making.

— trivia —
amortentia: Ink, the smell of parchment, Sweetie Whitledges hair
boggart: Anything bad happening to his family.
patronus: Tuxedo cat, takes a corporal form
pets: An owl named Hermes & a cat named Sapphire.
romantic orientation: Biromantic
sexual orientation: Bisexual
titles: Ravenclaw Prefect 1881-1884, Head Boy 1883-1884
zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Name: Kit
Age: Old

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