Painted In: c. 1770
Location: The Magical Portrait Gallery of England
Hung In: 1891
Physical Description:
A lone figure sits in front of a neutral wall, a man advanced in years who appears very much as though he has things he would rather be doing.Personality:
Chauncey Cole, Earl of Grantham—or so he would self-stylize after the death of his remaining brother. A muggleborn wizard during his life, he was considered dead by non-magical society due to his integration into the wizarding world. As such, he could not formally claim his title. Cole died of syphilis in 1781.
Painter unknown. Hung in the King family collection until its donation to the Society for the Preservation and Popularization of Magical Portraiture in 1883. It has since remained in storage, and Cole is thrilled to finally be hung on a damned wall again.
Age: 31 tomorrow >.>