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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

May 8th, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

I'm glad to hear you don't mind making time for me. I know chances of us seeing each other in person is rather slim, though, but perhaps you'll be attending the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball at the end of the month? I'm sure I'll be in attendance for at least some of it so perhaps we'll get the chance to dance again.

And, no, I haven't given it much more thought. I'm not quite sure how to go about it or how to even speak to my father about it. I'm sure he'll not be too receptive of the idea. I did receive another customer though so I've been busy deciphering some rather awful handwriting again. I imagine it may take me a week or two to finish at the very least. So I suppose the museum an wait for the time being.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
May 12, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

I should be honored to have the opportunity to dance with you again. I shall be at the Ball as one of my brothers graduates this year and as such the family plans to attend.

I believe you will find the best way to approach your father about the subject, but can understand your hesitations. It is not something to go into lightly.

I am glad to hear that you have found a new client. What is his studies on? Are you at least enjoying the material despite the hand it has been written in?


R. Bixby

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
May 15th, 1888

Mr. Bixby,

I look forward to it.

We'll see. I'm not quite sure when I'll speak to him. In the meantime, I've fallen into the world of ancient hieroglyphs from some tombs that were found in Egypt. The drawings are actually quite intricate and interesting. The gentleman is clearly quite the accomplished artist. His handwriting, on the other hand, is abysmal. I'm quite certain it's going to take me even longer to finish deciphering his words.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
May 23, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

I will look forward to it as well. Especially as it appears that work has indeed taken much of our time these days. I admit when I am on High Street I almost expect to run into you now. Although I have not in some time now. I suppose that is the difference between off season and now.

At least it sounds quite interesting. I should think you would find such work quite dull if you did not like the subject material, especially with such poor handwriting delivering the information.

Most sincerely,

R. Bixby

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
June 1st 1888

Mr. Bixby,

Once again, thank you for the lovely dance. I'm sorry that I had to leave so abruptly though. My father wasn't feeling well it seems so we returned home quite promptly. It also has put off my conversation with him for the time being. Perhaps I'll have finally made a decision by the end of the month.

I did, however, finish off the reports for the gentleman. He seemed quite happy with the results and said he would be in touch again in the future! How has the season been? I've tried to follow it as best as I can but I haven't been able to attend another game unfortunately. I hope you're enjoying your busy season!


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
June 2, 1888
Miss Lockhart,

You are most welcome, I always enjoy our meetings, even if they are brief in nature. I do hope, however, that your father is feeling better. I know it must be worrisome to have him I'll.

Perhaps it is a blessing to have the time to think on the matter before discussing it with him? I do hope that when the time does present itself that it is favorable to your outcome as I know you would find yourself very happy in such a position. I should hope your father sees this as such.

I am glad to hear you have finished the reports, I look forward to hearing more about them as they sounded quite interesting when you explained them to me at the Ball. Hopefully your next client does have better handwriting though.

The season is going fairly well. We have a few loose ends that I will not bore you with, but if you can tighten our game I am still hopeful for a good season. After all it is still early on. We do have our first match against the Canons in a few days and I am confident that the outcome will be in our favor.

I hope you are able to attend another game, but I understand given the circumstances. Please do not feel any pressure, but I rather thought you would like to watch a game of your brother's and have enclosed two tickets to the Puddlemere vs. Cannons game coming. I understand, especially with your father's health if you wouldn't be able to make it. But I did want you to have the opportunity to attend if you wished.

Most Sincerely,

R. Bixby

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
June 9th 1888

Mr. Bixby,

Father is doing much better. I think it may have just been a ploy to get us to leave though. Any time he happens to notice a gentleman taking particular notice of me, something comes up. It's rather quite frustrating but I suppose there's nothing that can be done for it.

Thank you for the tickets to the game. I was able to attend, luckily, however my brother wasn't able to play. The strange fog that's been spreading had covered Irvingly by then and he was unable to leave. His family and he live there, you see, and he definitely wouldn't have left them behind.

What do you make of this fog? It's really quite strange, isn't it? A little creepy even. I wonder if it will spread here to Hogsmeade. Father doesn't seem all too concerned about it and I think he'd stay here even if it did spread.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
June 15, 1888
Dearest Fortuna,

You can not imagine how very happy you have made me since our conversation yesterday. I had intended to come by your home to speak to your father today, but unfortunately circumstances have prevented me from doing so.

Those of us players who live in Hogsmeade have been offered rooms in London for the duration of the fog. Please promise me you will stay safe indoors and not get lost again. I won't be able to help guide you back and I don't think I could handle it if you were to come to harm.

As soon as we are able to return to Hogsmeade I promise to pay you, and your father a visit. Till then, stay safe my dearest.



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[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
June 16th 1888


I want to start this letter with, please don't be angry...

I may not have fully heeded your advice yesterday. My father and I had a long talk and he agreed to let me go to London with my maid to speak to them at the museum. He wanted to see what sort of offer could be made if I were to work there. So, I went. Only, the director was quite pleased with my knowledge and ended up taking me on a behind the scenes tour of the museum and it too far longer than anticipated. I'm now stuck here in London. I was unable to floo back home at all so I didn't even risk attempting to apparate back.

I've sent a letter to my father and am awaiting a response but I'm not entirely sure what else I can do until then. I know no one here in London and unless my father is able to secure lodgings for me I'm all but stuck on the street...


Note: Some words may be somewhat smudged with what could only have been tears.

Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
June 16, 1888

Where are you? At the Museum still? Once I receive word I will be there as soon as possible.


[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
June 16th 1888


No, we went to the a Leaky Cauldron. I'll wait for you here.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
June 16, 1888

Don't leave there. I am on my way.


[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]

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