April 6th, 1890
Dearest Mama,I think I left Mrs. Afton at home over Easter break.
No need to worry, though. If you direct [insert maid name] to feed him, she'll know what to do. I will miss her dearly, but she will survive until the summer as long as she is given proper care.
I miss you, too, and it's only been a day. I cannot wait until summer comes and I can spend my day in my room rather than in the same dorm room as Miss Joella Wood. I miss my music box and my soft bed and all my things. I miss Papa, too, though I know he's been busy with work.
I meant to ask: will you take me to the quidditch world cup this year? I know Uncle Beckett will make the team, so I would love nothing more than to go and cheer him on when he does!
With love, Flora