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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
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Spectator Sports
April 27th, 1894 — Hogsmeade Memorial Assembly Rooms
Dueling Tournament

"That man!" Gwyn exclaimed, eyes lit up like those of a toddler who had just discovered sweets for the first time. In a way, she rather was, though she would not have exactly welcomed the comparison. "He is frozen solid—in a block of ice!"

Without an extensive magical education, Gwyn Conway had never considered herself remotely qualified to participate in a formal dueling competition; as such, she had not seen a duel since her brief time at Hogwarts, when protego and expeliarmus had been de rigeur and flipendo had been the students' idea of proper excitement. Though always a bit apprehnsive to leave the country—specifically the Glen—Gwyn had been eager to go watch the bouts, cheer on Mr. Yarwood, and watch an endeavour she was not well-acquainted with.

It was a marvel, and her sisters couldn't ever suggest it was too dangerous to take an interest in (unlike dragons, Gwyn's primary passion in life).

"Will they unthaw him," she wodered aloud, "or must he get himself out of the situation?"
Invitational to...
Enid Glynn and/or Isolde Glynn or Howell Howell and/or Raj Sandow

mj is an artiste
"They'll thaw him, don't see how he could get himself out." Izzy answered with a wave of her hand. This was not her content, dueling didn't have anything to do with gossip unless somebody randomly fainted or proposed during a match up, but she supposed it was sort of entertaining. Defense had never been one of her stronger classes, though she knew enough to get out of a sticky situation, Izzy had only learned the practical spells that she would need for her everyday life.

She rolled her head toward her sister. "Will that cause damage if he's left too long?" That was more interesting and she hoped her healer sister would have the practical answer. This was the entertaining part after all, seeing what horrible and amusing sorts of after effects happened when spells went awry or were only partially deflected.

[Image: Isolde-Sig.png]
Would Nigel like it if she wrote to him about the dueling tournament? Enid was vaguely aware that her fixation on him was starting to become pathetic, but she couldn't help think about him as she watched the exchange with her sisters. Mr. Yarwood was also doing better than she'd expected so far!

Enid nodded at Izzy's question, jarred out of her reverie. "He'd get frostbite," she said, wiggling her fingers at Gwyn and Isolde. "So they'll have to let him out. Maybe next time I'll volunteer here!" Her healing skills could certainly be put to good use.

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[Image: 3R0f21.png]
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Gwyn let out a soft oh of disappointment as the staff on hand did just that, melting the block of ice that had encased the duelist before it could cause any real damage.

"I suppose that makes sense," she allowed glumly, "but you have to admit, it would be much more challenging—" and interesting "—if the duelists were left to their own devices."

Then again, most people did not share her general interest in risk. Mari had once said that only the profoundly stupid or the profoundly mad would go anywhere near dragons, and of the two, Gwyn had to hope that she was the latter, unflattering though both options were. Indeed, she must have been, to have determined to work with dragons only after being severely injured by one.

(Perhaps her sisters were correct when they fretted about her well-being.)

"If you volunteer," Gwyn continued, a bit more brightly, "I'll enter—and perhaps Isolde can write a fabulous article about us for the Prophet," the witch teased.
Isolde Glynn & Enid Glynn

mj is an artiste
Izzy couldn't help the snort that followed Gwyn's comment about a challenge. Like Enid had said, she had no idea how someone frozen solid would get themselves out without the ability to cast a spell, and it was probably more than a little dangerous to leave them in there for too long. If they were half frozen, it would be different.

"That's a perfect trifecta." She laughed. It wasn't her area to write about per se but she could twist it somehow. Izzy was pretty good with flowery bullshit in her articles when necessary. "It would be good practice for all of us. I bet the injuries would be something different than what you're used to." She peered over at Enid with a smile.

[Image: Isolde-Sig.png]
Enid grinned at her siblings' suggestions. "'If anyone conjures animals, then it'll be a smidge similar," she said. If she ever dueled, that's what she would do — but she did not anticipate that she would be much of a duelist. She had taken Defense Against the Dark Arts, as all healers were required to, but moving theory to practice seemed frightening. Gwyn was much more likely to be successful at it, despite her comparatively little schooling.

"Who are you both rooting for?" Enid asked.

[Image: 3R0f21.png]
set by Lady
"I suppose I should say Mr. Yarwood," Gwyn replied, plainly not altogether convinced.
She respected the man absolutely and, indeed, hoped he was successful, but on this matter, loyalties outside of the assembly rooms were not as important as they were typically. "In truth, though, I just want to see someone exciting win."

Even the most interesting man alive (whom the young dragonkeeper had yet to meet, by her estimation) would be tedious in a duel if he stuck to shields and disarmments.
Isolde Glynn & Enid Glynn

mj is an artiste
"Exciting is more fun," Iz agreed with a shrug. "I shall be rooting for Mr. Scrimgeour today." He was the most handsome face she'd spotted so far with that delightfully rich auburn hair. Izzy had very few qualifications to choose a favorite; a handsome face and a nice smile were really all that was needed to catch her attention. "Maybe Mr. Berkwood." Those brown eyes, she could melt into them!

[Image: Isolde-Sig.png]
Gwyn picked something that felt like picking dragons; Izzy picked some men she was likely curating crushes on. Her sisters were always exactly who they were. "I think it'll be one of the aurors,'' Enid said easily. "But I suppose that's a dull guess.'' And here she was, being practical (and maybe a little boring) — still exactly who she was.

[Image: 3R0f21.png]
set by Lady

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