Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

See Inside
butterfly kisses
May 4th, 1894 — Potts Annual Flower Show; Muggle Side of Podmore Zoo
Josiah, like many of his fellow muggles, had been intrigued by the set up being done over at the zoo. The wizards typically did their events over in Hogsmeade. Likely due to the fact public magic was not allowed by law in Irvingly and he presumed wizard events must have a lot of magic aspects. So this was a fun change of pace. Josiah was still interested in working for the zoo but had no idea who he was meant to speak to about it.

He had drifted through the butterfly exhibit, marvelling at the different colours and sizes of the butterflies. His eyes were on a particularly vibrantly purple butterflies and he wondered what sort of breed they might be. "They are so beautiful," he murmured out loud as they fluttered about before one landed on the tip of his nose.
Hurling! ACAB, 17+

Kenna had coerced Sean to join her in Irvingly at the zoo for the flower show on a whim. Ever since moving to Hogsmeade with Declan she felt a little disconnected to her siblings and she missed them. She knew it was for the better, but it didn't change the feeling like she was missing out. His agreement to join her might have been two-fold; as soon as they'd gotten into the zoo itself, she'd managed to lose him and she hoped he was behaving.

Sighing softly, Kenna turned toward the butterfly exhibit and opened the first door, making sure it was securely closed behind her before opening the second. The sight she was greeted with brough a warm smile to her features. The plants towered all of the way up to the ceiling of the conservatory, blooms and butterflies in the brightest of hues dancing between the different greens of the leaves. Enthralled by the sheer amount of different varieties, Kenna chuckled as one landed on her hair, a bright yellow one from what she could see, with black stripes and teal spots.

Somebody nearby spoke and Kenna turned gently, so as not to disturb her new accessory, chuckling behind her hand as she noticed she was not the only one currently sporting a new look. "They are," she breathed out, afraid to upset the butterflies. "This must be the new look." She chuckled again, looking up at the one on her hair again before back at the gentleman with a serene sort of smile. 

[Image: KennaSig.png]

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