Quality Quaffle & Snitch| Since 1873
Sorting Details
Business Name: Quality Quaffle & SnitchCurrent Owner: Thom Pettigrew
Contact Player: Lynn
Hiring: Go Ahead!
Threadable: No
Basic Information
Established: 1873 by Thom Pettigrew
Location: Elsewhere - Manufacturing plant is located in the English Countryside somewhere
Nature of Business:
— also manufactures general flying supplies, eg riding cloaks, gloves, etc.
— exclusive supplier of Quaderash supplies
— an American acquisition produces Quodpot supplies which can also be purchased
— does not make broomsticks
Target Clientele:
Other Details
Advertisement: Advertises new products regularly in Quidditch Quarterly, the Daily Prophet, and occasionally even Witch Weekly if the product is targeted at women or a gift-giving occasion is approaching.
See For More: What's Quaderash? | That time Declan accidentally bought stuff for his whole team aka some deets about how bulk orders work