Oh, you may have met her sisters, but have you met Divona yet? She's very different, her own entire person—at least, so she insists! That's right, the youngest Dodderidge is here and ready to talk to you about your...funeral needs, I guess.
Divona Dodderidge | So Divona went from being an employee in the Public Information Service who writes romance novels on the side to a funeral person who writes mystery novels with romance in them through the course of this apping process. It's a turn, but one I'm totally here for xD This means that her easiest access point is through Dodderidge Mortuary Services. While most of these are targeted at the WC/MC because the UC are ~too cool~, there are some exceptions! These services include, though I reserve the right to add to them at any time:
- Death photography (MC)
- Assistance in dressing(/prepping) the dead (WC, MC)
- Liaising with florists, hearse drivers, casket makers, etc. (WC, MC)
- As much metaphorical (or literal?) hand-holding in the actual funeral as you need, depending on how much you pay them (WC, MC)—as an added bonus, you're guaranteed at least one young lady mourning your relation! Damona probably won't cry, but the others might call up a few tears!
- Memory Services (upper MC, UC)—think you're going to die soon? The Dodderidges will harvest and store your memories of choice to be delivered to your loved ones at a time specified in your will!
- Celebrations of Eternal Spirit (MC, UC)—like a wake, but the deceased gets to party there because they're a ghost.
So yes. Come to me when people start dying, but also...
THE DEAD | Her current passion project is interviewing ghosts about the exact circumstances of her death, so that'll be fun I guess. For her, at least. Also, are you newly deceased and looking for a memorial that traditional mourning simply doesn't allow? Hit a girl up.
THE LOVER | Look, all three Dodderidge sisters have unknowingly fallen for the same guy. The specs here are:
"Beau" (yay for apt placeholder names!) did not attend Hogwarts with the triplets to maximize reasonable ignorance of their triplet status. Birth year is set up for this but is flexible (dropping out, older, international) as long as that's kept in mind! A sweet man, Divona was immediately quickly taken with him—though not the first of the triplets to find herself besotted here.
*May be filled by an existing character, or done as double-duty, in which case will consider MC!

— set by stef ♡ —