(April 28, 2022 – 11:12 PM)Basil Foxwood Wrote: Mathilda Alderton - Coming back to edit my drive-by with a vroom vroom~
Tillie isssssss
Basil Foxwood 's favorite. He is not only her accomplice in escaping society, but also hopefully her confidant because he certainly needs SOMEONE in his family on his side. (Jk, but he feels like it sometimes ok?) He adores Tillie and frankly, is probably very protective of her? He's told me that while she was away he wrote her frequent letters which is a big thing for him, maintaining a social correspondence that's not strictly work or research. <3 Threads please, ASAP.
As for
Poppy Dashwood, this little brat also adores her cousin. Sheeeee probably honestly thinks of Tillie as a sister, and is natually protective of those she cares about so whoops? She might be a little overbearing but she MEANS WELL. I think she would certainly drag Tillie to all the things and places with her (maybe not the more mischievous things these days) but I'd loveeee to explore their relationship with some dramatic depth, especially this upcoming season! Poppy is... VERY nervous and will be spending a lot of time in London so she'll need Tillie to lean on for sure (maybe even to bail her out, ruh roh) <3 Whee things!
Atticus Foxwood -
you can run, but you can't hide Tillie from Basil forever. He'll teach her how to aparate just to escape him. <3
Olixander Blackwood - Dude, I totally forgot about my other wierdos. OK SO OLI - would probably flirt with her, but get bored rather easily? I think there could be potential something here, because Oli is very interested in certain academic pursuits but he's not very open about them. He's also extremely purist (or thinks he is atm), so I feel like they could have some fun snarly threads. He's kind of a lost soul, aimlessly looking for a reason to exist? And he's very lonely feeling most of the time, even in a room full of his closest friends.
All the letter threads mmkay pumpkin? I will start!
Olixander would probably frustrate the shit out of her, season thread in the future plzkthx.
(April 29, 2022 – 1:09 AM)Atticus Foxwood Wrote: Tillieeee<3
I offer cousin Atticus Foxwood who will do his best to protect her and find her a match. (And drag her away from Basil because neither can hide forever xD). Overbearing. Probably not the best relationship, but between her, Poppy and Basil he’ll have his hands full. But, it’s from a place of love and he’ll scare away suitors if she asks nicely lol.
I also have Juniper Edevane who I promise will do her best not to scare her lol. If she followed Poppy around they’d know each other, and they’re debuting at the same time. June is bitter about having to smile and be pretty but she will because she has to haha.
Gus Lissington for awkward encounters. That’s all. You know him by now.
Delilah Warbeck Don’t ever see them interacting but I mean, can’t leave her out lol.
Oh Atti, she loves you, even if you vex her

I hope you wear comfortable shoes to events this summer, you'll need them to chase her around!
I think Tillie might actually like June, something about the confidence she wished she had instead of just pretending lol
I'm sure she only knows Gus by extension of Basil, but likes him enough <3 she would be positively enthralled by cursebreaking stories!
(April 29, 2022 – 1:26 AM)Viola Foxwood Wrote: Hiiii, this is Tillie's aunt! Not quite sure how close their relationship would be, but I'll think more on it when my brain is more functional. xD
I think she likes Viola! Pending how strict she is at events lol
(April 29, 2022 – 5:35 AM)Ida Chang Wrote: Yay! Ida driveby because these two can easily be peas in a pod. <3 She and Poppy are pretty close too, so they would've met at school and maybe run into various parties/etc over the years. Tillie's fate is frankly Ida's worst nightmare. So she definitely felt sad when Tillie left, and maybe the two kept in touch over the years.
Though since Tillie left, maybe they aren't as close as they could've been otherwise? Maybe Ida feels a bit guilty about it idk? Their attitudes and personalities are really similar. Like I could see them stalking the walls at balls and getting into Very Important intellectual debates. xD
Lastly, Ida's almost like. Militantly against the whole debut thing and treatment of women. So if Tillie is ever down for exploring women's suffrage and getting roped into the cause!~
OMG I NEED the things!! I can see them getting along splendidly, maybe they kept up correspondence after Tillie left? She would have needed a sympathetic ear to whine at about finishing school. I would like Tillie to get into the politics in the future, so this is perfect!
Clarissa Cosgrove I'm on my phone so not sure how I lost your post in my quoting spree, but I can see Tillie taking a shining to Link, she was kinda shy as a kid too, so she gets it!
I think Tillie would look up to Clarissa, even if she doesn't quite aspire to be the perfect debutante xD