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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Is This It?
November 5th, 1890 - Hogwarts Infirmary
Sisse Thompsett

Four miserable days in the Hospital Wing and she felt no better than she had since coming in. Every breath caused her chest to tighten, every cough made her entire body ache, she couldn't find a comfortable position or get warm not matter how hard she tried. It was miserable. Not to mention something was off with Cam again and she couldn't tell what, nor could she wrap her brain around any more drama these days. Add heartache to the list of symptoms and she was positively doomed.

The later afternoon light was fading fast, as was her will to be awake. All she did was sleep lately and she missed her own bed terribly. It felt like ages since she'd spent any amount of time there other than sleeping and it was starting to weigh on her. It had only been a month, but the highs were so high and the lows so low that she could hardly keep up. Not to mention now with Alice knowing she and Sisse had fought for certain, she felt as though more and more of her friends were slipping away from her and it hurt.

After a rough coughing fit, a long one, the nurse ducking a head from her office to check on Sloane, and she eased back against the pillows once more, eyes closed as she tried to steady her breathing. This was terrifying, it felt like she was drowning right in the bed. It was more worrisome than the mess with the squid this summer. That had been quick, if scary, this had her worried for her own health.

When she opened her eyes again, some time later, breathing shallow, but even, she was shocked to find Sisse near the end of her bed. In her surprise she tried to sit up a little and instantly regretted it. "Hello," She said with a wince, adjusting her position against the pillows once more, coughing into the blanket harshly.

[Image: Sloane-Sig95.png]
No matter the fight and the fallout from it when Sisse had heard that Sloane was in the hospital she had known that there was no way she would be able to simply ignore this. Every other time someone had ended up in the hospital wing she had visited and despite the fact that she didn’t even know if Sloane counted her as a friend anymore Sisse felt like she was truly a terrible friend if she stayed away.

It felt like forever since she had last laughed and chatted with Sloane, like a lifetime spread out between the fight and now. When she had first heard Sloane was in the hospital wing she had known that Sloane wouldn’t want to see her. Afterall Sisse had determined that she would let Sloane come to her. Clearly they did not agree on things, which didn’t mean Sisse didn’t want her friend back, but it did mean that she felt it was up to Sloane to even decide if she wanted Sisse as a friend. So come to Sisse she must. But then Sloane had gotten ill and Sisse just couldn’t live with herself if she didn’t do something.

Steeling herself Sisse followed the nurse’s directions to Sloane’s bed. Her cheeks were already warm with embarrassment by the time she reached her, but her shoulders were squared and she tried to hold herself with the posture her mother had ingrained in her since she was a little girl. “Hello.” Sisse greeted, unable to help the shyness that colored her tone.

I thought some of my mother’s tea with honey might help.” Sisse explained, pulling out a small satchel of the peppermint and black tea and a small vial of honey. She placed the items on Sloane’s bedside table knowing that she should say something more but honestly she didn’t know what it should be. This didn’t change things in Sisse’s opinion, she just couldn’t stand letting Sloane think she didn’t even care.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
After the surprise faded away, Sloane wasn't sure how to feel. It wasn't as if she wanted to lose Sisse as a friend altogether, though the other Gryffindor seemed just as keep to avoid her as Sloane had been hiding away from Sisse, but she didn't know what to do about it. They both though they were right in their arguments and struggled to see the other's side, but Sloane hated every minute of it. There was no way to make Sisse see where she was coming from, just as Sloane had no idea how to accept Sisse's reaction.

Still, the fact that her roommate had come to see her, was a step in the right direction? "Thank you," Sloane managed in a hoarse whisper, blue eyes trained on her Sisse curiously. A coughing fit interrupted her thoughts and it was all she could do to ride it out and hope Sisse didn't use it as a time to leave. Whimpering pathetically after she could breathe normally again, Sloane wrapped her arms around her middle in an attempt to help ease the aches prickling over every inch of her body.

"It was really nice of you to stop by, I appreciate it." She added once she found her voice again. "I miss you." It was barely above a a whisper, because that was all she could manage, but it didn't make it any less sincere.

[Image: Sloane-Sig95.png]
"You're welcome." Sisse murmured politely. It wasn't just trite though, she meant it. She would do anything to help Sloane, she just wished the other girl could see that too. It was part of why their fight had wounded her so badly. Despite that Sisse was tempted to simply slip away but the severity of the coughing and her own sense of what was polite and proper kept her rooted at the side of the bed waiting for the coughing to subside. It would be a lie to say the coughing also didn't concern her and she wondered if she would need to summon the nurse.

A ghost of a smile crossed Sisse's lips at Sloane's words. But that was what friends were for after all - even if they were fighting.

But then the truth filled the air between them, the very base of what felt so terribly wrong and Sisse found herself admitting it, "I miss you too." Her gentle words were almost as quiet as Sloane's as she tried to keep herself from glancing away from Sloane at the admission.

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   Sloane Bixby

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Sloane managed a better smile when Sisse reciprocated her sentiment. Well that was half the battle then, wasn't it? Maybe their friendship wasn't lost. Sloane felt marginally better than she had in a while. Even if her body felt like it was giving out on her, at least a there was hope that the little cracks in her heart might start healing.

"I'm sorry you found out the way that you did," Sloane could understand that much. She would have been surprised to find a pair of her friends uncomfortably close in an empty classroom too, but her reaction would have been entirely different, because she thought it was none of her business anyway. That was where they differed on the matter, and though Sloane knew she was unlikely to change her stance maybe they could agree to disagree and maybe, just maybe, go back to being friends.

Yes, friends shared things, but Sloane maintained that it was up to the individuals to figure out when to share. "But I'm not sorry I wasn't ready to tell you." She may have, eventually, once she thought things were settled or safe, once she'd been sure things with Cam wouldn't fizzle our after a few weeks. They'd been tested over and over again and were still alright though, so whatever this little teenage romance could be seen as, she at least, knew it was sincere. Sloane still firmly believed that it wasn't any one else's business but hers and Cam's but everyone would have found out eventually, when they'd been ready to share.

She paused, feeling a cough coming on and flinched at the mere thought of it, trying to cover it up. She rolled away from Sisse to let it happen, breaths coming in ragged gasps until it passed again.

The following 1 user Likes Sloane Bixby's post:
   Alice Dawson

[Image: Sloane-Sig95.png]
It it been a different situation Sisse would have waved away the apology and said it didn't matter, but they both knew it did, so she remained quiet, her lips subtly pursing at Sloane's second admission. "I-" Sisse started but Sloane rolled away. Perhaps she wasn't ready to talk yet, Sisse started to think just before the coughing started again quelling one worry and igniting another.

When at last Sloane looked back at her Sisse had formulated her answer. How many times had she practiced in her mind what she wanted to say? Trying to explain herself when Sloane had so clearly taken her words out of context the last time. "I understand." And to some degree she did, but then there was the deep hurt of a close friend not sharing a secret as big as this one and it showed clearly on Sisse's face despite her desire to try and hide it. "I'm only sorry you didn't feel you could have trusted me with it." And that was what she had meant, had wanted to explain, when Sloane stormed off last time giving her no way to try and mend things.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Letting out a little sigh of relief, Sloane felt a little lighter at making some progress with Sisse. Some. "It's not that I don't trust you," She did, implicitly, and she'd regretted what she'd said before storming off after their argument, but trust wasn't the factor here. "I do, very much so." Sisse hadn't told anyone about the reason behind the argument, about her and Cam, though she had admitted to Alice that they'd argued, from what she could tell, Sisse had been vague as to why, which proved she could be trusted. Not that Sloane had really doubted her, but the reaction at the time had been so fresh, stung so much, she wasn't entirely sure until proven otherwise. Sloane was pretty sure she'd never forget the sound of the words how could you?

"It's just," She sighed, trying to breathe and prevent another cough before it could take hold; she hadn't done this much talking in quite a few days. "It was mine," And Cam's, obviously, but for once, as the youngest of five, in a dorm full of girls who shared everything, she'd had something of her own just this once and she'd wanted to keep it that way for a little bit. "Something I've never had before, truthfully something I didn't know if it would last or not, so I wanted to keep it to myself, just for a little while." Could she really be at fault for that? "What would have been the point in sharing if it was gone within a week or two?" If she and Cam had tried it and decided it was better being friends? It would have been so much more awkward with everyone knowing.

It had barely been a month and a half and with the fear hanging over their heads, propriety and everything else, they hadn't even been able to enjoy it much. However they'd handled a lot in that short time, ups and downs and round and rounds, it made her head spin to think about it. However, they'd made it through, really talked about it and made decisions together like you were supposed to and gotten through it all so far. "I really care about him, really I do." She admitted, for the first time, to anyone other than Cam. "And I care about you too, so I'm sorry you got hurt, and I'm sorry for what I said." That was her biggest regret really. Sloane had a sharp tongue when angry or upset, it was one of her worst qualities, but she was also capable of knowing when to admit she was wrong. They may still not see eye to eye on secrets between friends, but at least maybe they could get past this. "I just need you to understand that I'll tell you things in my own time, not because I don't trust you, but because I'm not ready yet. Which is all I'd expect from you too, or Alice or anyone for that matter." Sloane would still be guarded with her secrets, but eventually things would be shared on her own time, if she decided she was ready.

[Image: Sloane-Sig95.png]
The knots in Sisse's stomach that had twisted and tightened over the past weeks loosened slightly at that simple admission. But already the next question was pulling the doubt into her thoughts. If not mistrust then why hadn't Sloane felt she could tell them... tell Sisse?

And then Sloane explained and Sisse could understand it this way. But when Sloane asked what the point would have been Sisse interjected softly, "So we, I, could have comforted you. Could have helped." Her eyes widened at the earnestness of the statement.

And then Sloane apologized and it almost... almost felt normal. Perhaps normally wasn't right. More like it could be back to normal. "I'm sorry to." For the whole fight really, if not the differing opinions.

"I understand." Sisse added when Sloane had finished. "We all have things we don't want shared." Like drowning in a lake. "I just was surprised... and I really thought you didn't trust me." Sisse should leave it at that, but the words and this conversation had lingered so much in her mind since the fight she added, "If I had known I could have helped you. Made sure Miss McClary didn't find out, and the like." Sisse gestured as she looked down at her feet.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Though she knew the intentions of Sisse's sentiments, and that she genuinely would have been there in the event, Sloane knew both she and Cam would have never survived the embarrassment of admitting they didn't work well together. People would have chosen sides, it would have been messy. Fortunately it wasn't a problem.

Managing a weak chuckle, that she instantly regretted as it turned into a coughing spell, Sloane waited until she could breathe again before saying, "We definitely don't need help getting in trouble, but thanks I appreciate it." Obviously they were very capable on their own. There was no way in hell she'd be asking her friends to cover up for them, no matter how desperately she wanted a few minutes alone. If they got caught and something slipped and somebody else got in trouble, she'd never forgive herself. She was capable of owning up to her own mistakes, but it would eat her alive if someone else got in trouble on her behalf.

This was good though, a good sign maybe things could go back to normal. Well the new normal anyway. Sloane still probably wouldn't partake in discussions about boys (she already had one to herself after all,) but she might actively listen and pay attention. Plus she was pretty sure Sisse didn't want to hear about things with Cameron anyway. Sloane would answer a direct question, but probably wouldn't volunteer information otherwise. It felt kind of weird knowing Sisse had or maybe still did (?) have a crush on Cam too.

"Would you do me a favor?" Sloane had been dying to make this request of someone but Cam couldn't do it for her. "Would you, maybe come back later and bring my pillow and blanket my nan made from my bed?" Sisse would know what she was talking about, the ratty purple blanket had been in her bed since first year and Sloane needed some comfort of home.

[Image: Sloane-Sig95.png]

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