March 6th, 1890— The Hog's Head
Jimmy was late. While it wasn't unusual for the boys to be occasionally tardy with pieces of information (people they were casing could have a sudden change of plants, routes could change etc), he was hours late. Hestia knew the boys could take care of themselves; she'd taught them well, made sure they could handle themselves (hell she'd practiced self-defense with them herself and had the scars to prove it). Still, that didn't stop her from worrying about them when they were late.
The night stretched on like molasses and it didn't help that the patrons of the bar were being extra insufferable tonight. She'd had to resist snapping at a few of them when they got extra fresh with her, as her impatience had been expounded by the absence of her charge.
At this point, she'd resorted to obsessively cleaning the bar. She'd run out of things to do and apparently her only solace was ridding the sink of the grime that had built up over the past week. She knew enough house cleaning spells to get it done in a snap, but until her shift was over and she could go out searching for Jimmy, she had to occupy her hands somehow and apparently this was it.
Then - thank Merlin - in the middle of scrubbing a particularly stubborn spot, the witch heard the teensiest of creeks behind her. Immediately, she knew it was Jimmy sneaking into the storage room. Her sign to make herself scarce. As soon as she heard the door close, Hestia whirled around and flung the door open, her expression promising violence if he did not immediately explain what delayed him so.
As soon as she laid eyes on Jimmy, however, the storm calmed to make way for a dead stillness as she took him in: hair in disarray, dirt smudged on his face, clothes disheveled and - most importantly - blood from a gash across his forehead. Her coal eyes blazed. "What happened?" she said, closing the door and summoning a clean rag before bending down to get a closer look.