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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Chester Lockhart
Full Name: Chester Alfred Lockhart
Nicknames: Chester
Birthdate: June 5th, 1830
Current Age: 58 Years
Occupation: Head of the Department of Magical Accidents & Catastrophes
Reputation: 6 - His family has had their share of reputation damaging incidents. The most recent being his daughters sudden elopement.
Residence: Bartonburg
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Fir, 12", rigid, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Half Blood
Social Class: Middle Class
Bess Lockhart neé Ward, wife number one [1840-1870]
--- Lockhart neé Reyes, wife number two [1864]
Magnus Lockhart, son [1862]
Fortuna Lockhart, daugher [1866]
Merritt Lockhart, son [1870-1871]
Appearance: Chester is of a sturdy build and stands at five foot and seven inches. Though greying, he has short dark brown hair that contrast against his pale blue eyes – a defining feature of his family. He often stands firm with his head raised above most others – a sign he looks down on most others. His voice is often quiet and he rarely raises it. He speaks with a rough tone.

He has well-kept facial hair which is groomed quite often.

His usual attire consists of his Ministry attire – electing to work most of the time means he often has no choice. Outside of his work clothes, he wears well-kept formal attire.

He is right handed and holds his wand in his right hand rather firmly.
History: 1830 - Chester is born

1833 - Chester shows his first signs of magic by summoning an ink bottle to his feet so that he can pour it all over the floor

1837 - Chester begins to look up to his father and the no-nonsense, all-business way of working (and raising his family). He learns a valuable lesson this year when he overhears an argument between his mother and father which results in Chester understanding the type of society he lives in; it is ran by men and that is who is in charge.

1841 - Chester starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff; his father is happy with this, having been sorted into the same house.

1843-1844 - Preferring studies over friendships, as engrained in him by his father, Chester focuses on his classes and gets fantastic grades in his OWLs achieving the following grades:
Astronomy - Troll
Charms - Outstanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Poor
History of Magic - Acceptable
Potions - Acceptable
Transfiguration - Oustanding
Care of Magical Creatures - Acceptable
1846-1848 - Continuing his studies, Chester decides to pick up classes that he did well on his OWLs in. He also learns to apparate. His grades were as follows:
Charms - Oustanding
Transfiguration - Oustanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts - Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures - Acceptable
Potions - Acceptable
1848 - Graduates and begins working in the Ministry. Starts off as an employee of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. It wasn't exactly what he wanted though he quickly settles down.

1851 - Finding more enjoyment than he thought in his department, Chester is allowed to move to the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad to progress in his career. It is also here where he meets his first wife, Bess, during a social function though they do not talk much and instead begin exchanging frequent letters

1857 - Chester is promoted to squad head after six years of hard work and he is overjoyed at this. His father sits him down for a 'conversation' about family. It is time for Chester to start his own family and so he officially begins courting Bess by the end of September - whom he feels deeply for.

1858 - Chester marries within a year Bess and they try to start a family. It is troubling at first as nothing seems to be working.

1861 - Just as all hope is lost and their relationship begins to strain, Bess finally gets pregnant

1862 - Magnus is born in February and Chester is beyond happy at this though he's a little concerned with how big the baby is.

1863 - Chester becomes Assistant Head of Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

1865 - Magnus displays first sign of magic by almost escaping his room with the help of a tree

1866 - Fortuna is born - more good news for the Lockhart family!

1870 - Merritt is born and Bess dies. Merritt then dies before he turns one

1871 - Following the death of his wife and son, Chester retreats into a bubble and alienates himself from his family for a few years. He keeps to his study and doesn't leave unless it is to go to work; often falling asleep in his chair instead of his bed as he cannot bring himself to sleep in the bed his wife one shared with him

1872 - Turns down the opportunity for a promotion due to the last few years

1873 - Magnus starts at Hogwarts and, much like Chester and his father, is sorted into Hufflepuff

1875 - Chester finally brings himself to mourn truly for the first time. He stands at the door to his bedroom - which he has not entered in four years - and almost breaks down. It takes his daughter coming up to him and wrapping her hand around his own for him to realise what he'd been doing and so he slowly integrates back into his family to become a father once again though he keeps his distance. Something about pride

1877 - Fortuna starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. Which kind of sucked but it Fortuna seemed to enjoy herself

1879 - Magnus graduates and joins the Chudley Cannons and no amount of headshaking would ever truly describe Chester's disappointment at this. Quidditch is not a sport for a family man or anyone worth anything, Chester feels

1881 - Magnus is promoted to a first-string player and more head-shaking ensues though Chester decides to use that as a means to show his son what a true career is and asks the Minister for Magic about a promotion once again. The promotion goes through and by the end of the year, Chester is promoted to the Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

1882-1883 - Whilst sipping tea, Chester suddenly falls in love with some woman around the age of his daughter. He then decides to marry her on the spot in an elopement. This is announced to the family at dinner during a Hogsmeade trip. It's a bit strange, Chester would admit to nobody, but he was certain he loved his wife and it was not the amortentia everyone was saying it was. Magnus apparently also gets married though it becomes apparent that the woman Magnus brings to the dinner is not his wife. He then actually marries her for real in August. It is at this point Chester decides to not allow his daughter to end up like Ruth, whom Chester deems to be 'unfit' for his only son. Magnus is eventually pursuaded to help though Chester says it's to help ensure Fortuna finds a suitable husband and marry up in the social ladder. Chester assumes Magnus is only helping because of big-brother syndrome. He doesn't care much either way; the important thing is that Fortuna will be alone until Chester is ready for her to marry.

1883 - Magnus' wife, Ruth, becomes subject to a purist attack. It's a moment of clarity for Chester and he decides to try and make more of an effort with Magnus and his family.

1884 - Magnus and his new wife give birth to a daughter

1885 - Magnus and his wife have a son. Fortuna debuts and for a brief moment it seems as if Fortuna actually wants to become a good wife and mother. On reflection, Chester changes his heart and decides he does not want that (though, of course, cannot make it known public) and so alongside Magnus - further to their conversation a few years ago - decide to actively push everyone that shows any sort of interest to Fortuna away. Chester realises it's because he cannot stand the thought of his only daughter ending up like his beloved wife. After all, she looks a spitting image - both in looks and personality - and it haunts him. He is scared Fortuna would share her fate.

1886 - Magnus starts quidditch again and so does the head-shaking disappointment

1887 - Magnus and Ruth lose a pregnancy; their first daughter almost dies too. Chester hurts for them knowing full well how it feels and offers to help in any way he can

1888 - Things start to calm down in the Lockhart household until Fortuna decides to get lost in London, find some job in a museum, meet some half-witted Quidditch player, lose all respect for herself, and then elope with him. Chester is unamused. It does make Chester realise that Ruth isn't so bad, however.
Name: Jon
Age: 24
Contact: Discord / Skype / PM
Other Characters: See CD!
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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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