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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Dinner was... fun.
August 1st, 1888
My Emmeline,

I hope you're doing okay and your parents didn't give you too much of a hard time for yesterday.

I'm truly sorry. I'm not sure what came over me  though I don't regret it for a single moment. You truly are a fantastic kisser, Ems.

I barely slept last night. Did you? I hope we can see one another soon though I dare not anger your father more than I have already.

Your love,

August 1st, 1888
My father wouldn't even look at me, let alone speak to me. But my mother said she'd talk to him. She feels a bit guilty herself it seems. I don't think she anticipated that happening but she still feels partially at fault.. I'm not opposed to letting her think as much.

And please don't be sorry. I quite enjoyed myself. And though I blush even writing this, I wish they hadn't come when they had... But, give it a week or two. I imagine he'll cool down soon enough, especially once mother has talked to him. I hope he wasn't too harsh with you. It wasn't your fault. I was a willing participant, too.

I hardly slept a wink. I think I'll hardly sleep at all for some time, honestly. When I close my eyes, I still feel you. I found myself wishing you were there with me. I still wish you were here with me.

I hope I can see you soon, too. Perhaps later in the week or the following. With the fog suddenly gone, it should be much easier. Though I'm sure my mother will accompany me every time for now on..

[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
August 2nd, 1888
My darling Ems,

Your father and I spoke mostly of your future. He isn't happy with what happened though I'm sure he shall come to soon. I've made a promise to him that I intend to stick to.

And an apology is absolutely necessary. I've caused a rift between you and your parents; that was my doing. That's what I am sorry for.

Though moving on from that, I feel the same way. Every time my mind goes back to our dinner, my insides swirl with thoughts of you against me and I'm loathe to admit but I am finding it hard to focus on anything but you and your... frame. Your body.

You're absolutely everything one would need and it's frustrating in ways unimaginable to an innocent woman as yourself. I hope you're aware of what you've done to me, Ems and know I fully intend on making you aware if you're not. I'm writing that in jest, of course. Mostly.

We will see one another soon but please allow your parents to calm before we do-so. Letters will suffice in the meanwhile.

I am glad the fog has cleared however; it has made work much easier to get to.


August 2nd, 1888
Seems everyone gets to speak about my future without including me. I do hope it revolved around my finishing school and not forcing you to take me to Gretna Green and make me your wife. Though.. Nevermind. I'm guessing it revolved around my schooling since I've not been told to pack all of my things.

Your words do little to calm my already rattled emotions, Charlie. If anything, they make me long for you even further. You're not the only one that was prevented from getting what they truly desired. I don't even know what I should have expect but I still ache for that release. Sleep is just.. hard to come by right now. Especially having seen you half naked. Your image is all I see when I close my eyes.

I hope they calm down sooner rather than later though. I honestly don't know how long I can wait before being able to see you again.. Are you sure there isn't a way we could meet somewhere? Secretly, perhaps?


[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
August 2nd, 1888
My darling Ems,

We spoke about your schooling and what I'm to do should my feelings for you be true. Rest assured, they are truer than the sun shines during the day.

Your words aren't helping either, Emmeline Woodcroft. Every letter on your parchment sends flourishes of annoyance down me in the most devious of ways. I long to see your skin bared again and your eyes looking at me how they were but I'm not going to discuss that in a letter. It is only making it worse for my trous- me. Merlin, I wish I could see that face of yours again.

There are always ways to meet, Ems, but I'm not about to divulge how. As much as I wish for our bodies to be entwined once again and for our souls to touch, I shan't allow or risk your reputation and anger your parents further.

If you want to see me, you shall have to wait.

or find a way yourself


August 2nd, 1888
I knew your intentions were true. If I hadn't thought as much, you wouldn't have had me on that table with my skirts around my waist. Though.. I'm sure my father couldn't believe such a thing for himself. I was rather shocked by their presence so suddenly myself..

It didn't, and hasn't, stopped me from wanting it though. From wanting you. To trail my fingers along your arms again and to pull you close against me once again. Dammit, Charlie, I need to see you.

I won't be waiting long, I promise you that.


[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
August 3rd, 1888
Miss bad influence,

You're a damned bad influence on me, Ems. I thought I was the bad influence.

I'm not going to...
I didn't have you on the table though, Ems. Did I? Though I wish I had. To feel your body touch mine; my hands exploring every inch of you. To feel those breaths of yours jump from your lips.

That would have been nice. Would you have liked that, Ems? For me to have taken you on that table? To have pinned you against it?

We'll see each other when we see one another.
I love you.


August 3rd, 1888
Just you wait, Mr. Caulfield. I may already have a plan in mind...

I just hope there's a table available.

Love you, more.


[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
August 3rd, 1888

What do you mean you have something planned?

Table or no, tell me what you're planning.

Also, it's impossible to love me more than I you, my treasure.


August 3rd, 1888
I'm telling you nothing.

Especially if you're going to argue with me.


[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
August 4th, 1888

I'll argue if you're planning something foolish. Please tell me, Emmeline.

I beg of you.
You wouldn't want to see me sad, would you?


August 4th, 1888
Please just trust me..

It might be a little bit foolish, but only by way of what I want you to do to me..

It will be worth it and all precautions will be taken. Don't write back until tomorrow. I have a friend coming to visit so unless you want your owl spending the night with me tonight, much as I wish it would be you instead I won't be able to respond...


[Image: bd4FVx.md.jpg]
August 4th, 1888

Such words from a sweet girl like yourself.

You'd best be careful what you wish for.
You've no idea what I'm able to do to you.

Enjoy your night with your friend.
Try to get some sleep.

I won't. I'll be too busy thinking of all the things I can do to you.

Sweet dreams, my innocent princess.


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