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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

We Got History
June 4th, 1894 - Bixby Residence

As much as she wanted for this to all blow over quietly, Sloane knew that wasn't going to be the case. She'd met with the Sinclairs, showed them who she was and they were going to slink out of town to help keep things under wraps. She still had to have a talk with Mr. Ashford, though had written to let him know Sadie was not in fact dying or anything, but how did you explain to someone that you were sort of falling in love with that you weren't exactly that person after all? The feelings didn't feel like hers and she couldn't quite wrap her head around that situation just yet. She was very much taking this one day at a time, mostly by hiding next door at the Hitchitt's house because it was easier. Beatrice always seemed to know when she was there, whether Hatch was home or not, whether she came in through the back door or his window, but it quieter over there and she felt less like she was constantly being watched.

This afternoon however, she was anxiously awaiting the arrival of her friends. The once vibrant, outgoing girl now sort of dreaded social situations. She wanted to see her friends of course, but she'd had this conversation so many times over the last week that it was getting frustrating and awkward and she just wanted to be done with it and most of the way to moved on.

The soft green dress was one of the ones the Sinclairs had left with her, having no need for the wardrobe they had purchased for Sadie that was no upstairs in her childhood bedroom. It felt out of place, but they were nice, expensive dresses and though Sloane had tried to gently refuse them, Mrs. Sinclair had insisted. Her hair hung loose in soft curls around her shoulders, Sloane having kept the length she had grown used to. It was easier to take care of this way. She was watching the window, fidgeting and still she nearly jumped when she heard the knock on the door.

Calla Potts & Sisse Thompsett

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
The letter felt like a dream when it had arrived this morning. Sisse had sat there staring at it, unable to comprehend what she was reading for long minutes. She had to see her, had to believe this was real. Mr. Bixby couldn't be so cruel as to write her of this matter without being real. The thought dragged her back to reality. She barely remembered to grab her hat and gloves before she was bolting from the house. It was only Matthew noticing her sudden movement that had her maid accompanying her. Sisse often spoke with the young Miss Bliss, always feeling bad about the girl's work following her around instead of being included, but this time Sisse said nothing. It was an effort not to hurtle herself down the street at a sprint, to try to keep her walk no faster than a lady's ought to be.

By the time Sisse arrived she was wild eyed, she had to see in person. It was the oldest Bixby brother who had greeted her at the door, led her to the parlor door and knocked on it for her. He had greeted her, but she hadn't heard him. The door opened and there she was. Tears streamed down Sisse's face and she rushed forward not even giving Sloane the chance to stand from her seat before her arms were around her, clutching her friend tightly to her, trying to force her love and relief into Sloane through the gesture. Sloane was alive. She was here. And for the moment that was all that mattered.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom

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