Evening, Friday 13th September, 1894 — Gryffindor Tryouts, Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch
They only had two Chasers to replace, so they, unlike some of the other teams, could afford to be choosy. It was only a shame, Jimmy thought with a narrow-eyed look at the assembly of his present team, here to help out, that this new power of Captain hadn’t given him the power to kick off previous appointments just because. (Cough, Greta, cough.)
“Now, look. We won the cup last year, so we need some good goal-scorers here to keep our streak – so no one who isn’t fully committed,” Jimmy said, eyeing up the potential new recruits. “On the pitch or off the pitch,” he warned, with a severe expression and an internal, wicked glee – “if it’s the morning or the middle of the night, and I say jump, you jump.”
He gestured at a box of armbands. “I’m going to split you in two teams, and you’re going to play a half-pitch game amongst yourselves. If your side gains possession, you fly back to the halfway mark and then forwards on these hoops, passing and intercepting and both teams trying to shoot on me as Keeper here. If you drop the quaffle, you’re on thin ice. Mohr and Finnigan will be lurking as Beaters, pelting you with “bludgers”,” – they were stinkbombs enchanted to fly, actually, because Jimmy thought that would be funny, and he’d be able to judge the best of them by who smelled least bad. He grinned. “So the less you get hit, the better. Now, mount your brooms.”
“Now, look. We won the cup last year, so we need some good goal-scorers here to keep our streak – so no one who isn’t fully committed,” Jimmy said, eyeing up the potential new recruits. “On the pitch or off the pitch,” he warned, with a severe expression and an internal, wicked glee – “if it’s the morning or the middle of the night, and I say jump, you jump.”
He gestured at a box of armbands. “I’m going to split you in two teams, and you’re going to play a half-pitch game amongst yourselves. If your side gains possession, you fly back to the halfway mark and then forwards on these hoops, passing and intercepting and both teams trying to shoot on me as Keeper here. If you drop the quaffle, you’re on thin ice. Mohr and Finnigan will be lurking as Beaters, pelting you with “bludgers”,” – they were stinkbombs enchanted to fly, actually, because Jimmy thought that would be funny, and he’d be able to judge the best of them by who smelled least bad. He grinned. “So the less you get hit, the better. Now, mount your brooms.”
Please post once for each position you are trying out for. Make sure you have filled in the requisite form and have received a “like” from Kayte before posting! The deadline for all posts is 10:59pm EST on September 10th.
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