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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
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H. | Dodderidge Mortuary Services (1891)
Dodderidge Mortuary Services | Since 1891

Sorting Details
Business Name: Dodderidge Mortuary Services

Current Owner: Miss Dodderidge, Miss Damona Dodderidge, and Miss Divona Dodderidge

Contact Player: Kayte (Aldous Crouch)

Hiring: No

Threadable: Yes

Basic Information

Established: 1891

Location: Hogsmeade High Street

Nature of Business:
Dodderidge Mortuary Services deals with things pertaining to the dead—both after they die and as they ready for their inevitable demise.

These services include, though I reserve the right to add to them at any time:

  • Death photography (MC)
  • Assistance in dressing(/prepping) the dead (WC, MC)
  • Liaising with florists, hearse drivers, casket makers, etc. (WC, MC)
  • As much metaphorical (or literal?) hand-holding in the actual funeral as you need, depending on how much you pay them (WC, MC)—as an added bonus, you're guaranteed at least one young lady mourning your relation! Damona probably won't cry, but the others might call up a few tears!
  • Memory Services (upper MC, UC)—think you're going to die soon? The Dodderidges will harvest and store your memories of choice to be delivered to your loved ones at a time specified in your will!
  • Celebrations of Eternal Spirit (MC, UC)—like a wake, but the deceased gets to party there because they're a ghost.

Target Clientele:
ACAB depending on service (see above). Human. Primarily Hogsmeade/Irvingly/Scotland but happy to take clientele from anywhere in the British Isles!

Other Details

Description of Location:
Above the door is a nondescript brass sign with the business name. The windows are spelled to be black if looking from the outside in, but are perfectly normal from the inside out. There is no sound to indicate your arrival, but one of the Misses Dodderidge always seems to know and appear within a moment.

The shop opens into a sitting area with a glass counter containing various trinkets that can be purchased to store hair, portraits, or other memoribilia of the dead. The funiture has seen better days, but was clearly of higher quality when purchased. A heavy red velvet curtain separates this area from a hallway, off of which are a series of rooms:
  • (Death) photography studio
  • The Memory Room
  • The "pre-funeral room" aka where bodies are prepped and funeral decor is stored if needed
  • A more private office to meet with whomever needs meeting with.

There is also a set of stairs that leads to living space upstairs.

Open weekdays from noon to dusk, or by appointment.

— set by stef ♡ —

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