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Potato Wars

Tell Me You Found Something....I Think You've found Something

Dear Mr. Wright,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has come to my attention that you recently embarked on an expedition to the remarkable Jabal Mousa mountain range in Egypt. I must express my sincere admiration for your adventurous spirit and dedication to uncovering the mysteries of our magical world.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miss Elizabeth Cardew, and I currently serve as a curator at the esteemed Museum of Magical Miscellany in Hogsmeade. I write to you today with an intriguing proposition that I hope will pique your interest.

Through extensive research and a stroke of fortune, I have stumbled upon a long-lost letter that hints at the existence of a hidden magical tomb within the depths of the Jabal Mousa mountain range. This tomb is said to hold invaluable artifacts and knowledge from a forgotten era of our magical history.

Regrettably, the letter reveals that the muggle who initially discovered the tomb was obliviated to forget his knowledge of magic, inadvertently erasing the tomb's precise location from his memory as well. However, I have reason to believe that with the right artifact, which may have been brought back from your recent expedition, the entrance to this ancient tomb can be unlocked.

Your endeavors in the region, coupled with your discerning eye and expertise in acquiring magical artifacts, lead me to believe that you may possess an artifact crucial to gaining entry to this tomb. It is my hope that we might collaborate, combining your recent discoveries and my research, to unveil the secrets held within.

The artefact in question, is in fact the key to the tomb itself! I believe it likely bears some sort of snake insignia, and is likely addorned with this symbol
[Image: heka21.gif]

I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas, as we embark on a journey that may forever shape our understanding of the magical world. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated and could potentially uncover a wealth of magical history previously lost to us.

Thank you for your time, and I eagerly await your response.

Yours sincerely,

Miss E Cardew

[Image: ioaejGQ.gif]
Dearest Miss Cardew,

I extend my sincerest gratitude for the intriguing owl you sent and your kind words. May this correspondence also find you in the best of health and spirits.

Allow me to extend my introduction, for it is an honor to make your esteemed acquaintance. I, Jules Wright, am but a humble Cursebreaker and intrepid adventurer in service to Gringotts's.

I find myself compelled to express my utmost interest in the matter at hand. It appears that you have conducted extensive research and possess considerable knowledge on the subject. I would be most delighted to join forces in this noble pursuit.

And permit me to share some delightful news! Upon a thorough search of my home, I have indeed unearthed the coveted artifact in question.
However, it is with a heavy heart that I must relay that I have recently returned from St. Mungo's, having been admitted due to grave injuries. Alas, not only do I suffer from recurring pains, but also an unfortunate loss of memory encompassing the past four months. It is with deep regret that I inform you that during this period, I have required the artifact.

Hence, while I am undoubtedly capable of aiding you in our quest to locate the tomb and ultimately break the curse, I may be of limited assistance in pinpointing its precise whereabouts.

I extend my deepest gratitude for the time and consideration you have devoted to this correspondence, and I await, with eager anticipation, the arrival of your response.

With utmost sincerity and profound anticipation,

Yours sincerely,

Jules Wright

Mr. Wright,

I am most grateful for your prompt and gracious response, and it is with utmost concern that I learn of your injuries and the unfortunate memory loss you have endured. I extend my heartfelt sympathies for your current predicament and hope that you will experience a swift recovery.

Despite this setback, I am heartened to hear that you have indeed located the coveted artifact. Your valiant efforts have brought us one step closer to unlocking the secrets concealed within the hidden tomb.

Given your situation, I understand the challenges you face in recalling the artifact's specific use during the past four months. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that, with your expertise as a Cursebreaker, your insights and knowledge will be invaluable as we navigate the path ahead.

May I propose a meeting at the Museum of Magical Miscellany, where I currently serve as a curator? I believe that the information I ahve already collected, and your artifact may shed light on the precise nature and purpose of the item you discovered and the location of the tomb! Together, we can delve into our extensive resources, enabling us to combine our knowledge and discern how the artifact interacts with the map and the broad location I have at hand.

Furthermore, I am confident that our collaboration will yield fruitful results in our quest to pinpoint the final location of the tomb. Your expertise as a Cursebreaker and my extensive research in history and languages make us an ideal team to unravel this mystery.

Please let me know of your availability, and I shall make all necessary arrangements for your visit. I assure you that I will accommodate your needs and ensure a comfortable and conducive environment for our joint exploration.

In closing, Mr. Wright, I express my sincerest admiration for your dedication and adventurous spirit in service to Gringotts. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work alongside you and uncover the long-lost secrets held within the magical tomb.

With profound hope and excitement, I remain,

Yours sincerely,

Miss E. A. Cardew

[Image: ioaejGQ.gif]
Dear Miss Cardew,

I extend to you my heartfelt gratitude for the sympathies you have bestowed upon me. Although I admit that these past few weeks sometimes have been difficult, I do feel that I am slowly getting better, as the pain is diminishing and reoccurring less often. Nevertheless, I fear that the memories of the past four months may forever elude my grasp. Perhaps that our expedition to Egypt shall bring back some of those forsaken moments.

I harbor the firm belief that with our combined strengths, we will succeed in finding the exact location to the tomb. Your knowledge will be invaluable in our efforts.

The proposition of a meeting at the Museum of Magical Miscellany delights me greatly. We can discuss our plans for the expedition and research the artifact. We can also review the information that you have gathered and take a look at the map you have at hand. I do hope that I can indeed prove to be of useful assistance and that my knowledge doesn't pale in comparison to yours.

Presently, I do not have any pressing obligations, rendering me at your disposal for the entire week. I beseech you to disclose your preferred day for my visit.

Please permit me again to express my profound admiration for your dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of magical history. The prospect of collaborating with such a learned and fearless scholar fills me with eager anticipation. Together, we shall unearth the long-lost secrets within the magical tomb.

With profound hope and excitement, I remain,

Yours sincerely,

Jules Wright

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