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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

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Connor Sinnet vs. Charles Hutton
February 8, 1895 — The Great Hall

Edelweiss knew she should be preparing for her NEWTs; but when she was asked to judge for the upcoming Student Dueling Tournament she knew Papa would be so happy that it was hard to turn anything down from there. The eldest Prewett child reasoned with herself that this would be a form of studying and preparing seeing as she was supposed to be sitting for DADA exams as well. So with that, she read the rules and then gave the two contestants encouraging smiles.

“Mr. Sinnet, you’ll be starting us off today. Whenever you’re ready.” she announced.

You have 72 hrs from now! That's Monday, February 3, 2025.
Connor Sinnet | Charles Hutton

Connor liked Hutton well enough – the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that – but he also did not want to lose to Hutton. But he was casting first, which would surely help him land this spell? "Flipendo!" Connor tried.
Charles Hutton

Well, it wouldn’t be as embarrassing to lose to Sinnet as it would be to a girl, but still, Charlie didn’t want to lose at all. He wanted the braggings rights and all that came with it. He cast the ice jinx, hoping to hit Sinnet so he would drop his wand.

Edelweiss Prewett

Ada watched as the two spells collided in the air. She tasted the frostiness of Mr. Hutton's spell as it absorbed and shattered with Mr. Sinnet's. “Mr. Hutton wins this first round.” She announced, the taste of the frost still on the back of her tongue. “Mr. Hutton if you could start the next, please when you’re ready.”

You have 72 hrs from now; until Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Connor Sinnet: 4 | Charles Hutton: 6

Charlie was smug, having won the first round. He would have to owl Uncle Anthony to tell him. Turning his attention back to Sinnet, he half smiled at him before casting the Full Body-Bind Curse.

Connor Sinnet

Connor narrowed his eyes. Either he didn't like duelling, or he just didn't like losing. This time, he tried to act quickly, casting Wingardium Leviosa on Hutton's wand, hoping to levitate it out of his grasp to foil his casting.
Philomena Sprout

This time it was Mr. Hutton’s wand that levitated out of his hand before he could even open his mouth. “Mr. Sinnet, this round goes to you.” Ada said. “Once Mr. Hutton's recovered his wand, feel free to start our tie-breaker Mr. Sinnet.”

You have 72 hrs from now; until Sat, Feb 8.

Connor Sinnet: 5 | Charles Hutton: 2

Connor didn't often smile, not properly – but in the moment he forgot to be self-conscious, and grinned with a flash of teeth. For this spell, he tried the leg-locker curse.
Charles Hutton

However this duel winded up going up, Charlie at least had fun. That of course didn't mean he didn't want to gloat about winning. Of course he wanted those bragging rights. (Not that he would be insufferable like Ignacio would be if he'd won, although he hadn't even bothered to sign up.)

Charlie gripped his wand tightly as he cast fumos, hoping that the smokescreen would be enough to mess with Sinnet's aim.

Philomena Sprout

The smoke screen stung Edelweiss’ senses and she started to cough as she inhaled. It was fortunate that she saw the jet of light from Mr. Sinnet’s direction indicating he’d cast his spell. The fact that the smoke screen held strong though…

Extending her wand, Ada drew it in a circle in front of her, drawing the smoke into it until the room was clear. “It appears Mr. Hutton is our victor and will advance to the next round.” she announced.

Connor Sinnet: 4 | Charles Hutton: 6

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