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Potato Wars

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Bullys on a Marseille boulevard - labyrinth task 1
December 30th, 1893 - Marseille

Violetta was having a truly delightful day, enjoying the mild December weather in Marsaille as she walked through the streets in a pretty French dress, feeling quite pleased to have a break from grown ups, chaperones and other trappings of her life in Grande-Bretagne, Hogwarts was lovely, but this was home, even if it were only a vacation home away from their small family place in London. Violetta walked without a care in the world until she saw the other two girls. One was slightly older, the other slightly younger, but it was obvious what both of them were. "Beauxbatons!" she said aloud to herself as she walked over to where they say eating beautiful pastries.

"Bonjour comment allez-vous? Je m'appelle Violetta." the two girls looked at her with a slightly guarded smile, wondering who they were. "Bonjour?"

Toutes mes excuses, c'est vraiment inapproprié de ma part. Je devais fréquenter Beauxbâtons, mais c'est comme ça et j'ai été envoyé à Poudlard, pauvre de moi, n'est-ce pas? she said yo them politely, giving a casual courtesy, these girls were of her social standing so it was acceptable for her to speak to them without invitation. Or at least it should be.

The elder of the two girls rolled her eyes and looked Violetta up and down before speaking something quietly to her younger friend in French, something that Violetta did not here before turning back. "Pouvons-nous vous aider?" she said with barely masked contempt in her voice. Why were they being like this too her? They would be her classmates... her friends, if fate hadn't intervened.

"Je voulais juste te dire à quel point tu es belle et je me demandais s'il y avait des nouvelles ou des potins de ta belle école, oh comme ça doit être merveilleux là-bas." she said, dismissing the atmosphere and continuing with her conversation. Perhaps she had been amongst the Victoria's too long, but public rudeness was just not the done thing.

"Écoutez ici la sorcière cochonne. Faites demi-tour et retournez à votre école. Je te regarde dans les draps de l'année dernière et je peux imaginer toutes les raisons pour lesquelles tu n'as pas été accepté à Beauxbâtons. Maintenant, retournez à l'école des cochons de Poudlard!" the said in disgust before snapping her away and turning back to their pastries.

Violetta was digusted, this was not how an upper-class lady was to be treated, she felt her wand in her hand as a tear rolled down her cheek and landed on to the beautiful linen dress that Maman had bought her only that week. She pointed it at the girls who rolled their eyes dismissively. They were in public, there were muggles not a stones throw away, they all knew she wouldn't use magic on them.

garçon, ce misérable mal habillé nous dérange, sois gentil et va chercher mon père

The girl's raised their eyebrows, daring Violetta do something scandalous, or perhaps even illegal. Violetta broke and tears rolled down her face as she ran back to the safety of her vacation home.

Translations for the curious

Hello, how are you? I am Violetta


Apologies, how improper of me. I was meant to attend Beauxbatons, but it is what it is and I was sent to Hogwarts, poor me right?

Can we help you?

I just wished to say how lovely you look and wondered if there was any news or gossip from your beautiful school, oh how marvelous it must be there.

Listen here pig witch. Turn around and walk away back to your school. I take one look at you in last year's linens and can imagine every reason why you were not accepted into Beauxbatons. Now shoo back to pig school, Hogwart!

waiter, this poorly dressed wretch is bothering us, be a dear and fetch my father

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