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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Your Mess Is Mine
He hadn’t wanted to leave, after all this and all the time they had already spent apart, but he felt drained of energy as well. Still, Daff must feel the same way. “I didn’t want to go,” he admitted, keeping an arm slung around her, comfortably. “I don’t know if I’ll be good company,” he said quietly; he felt like he was swaying on his feet, he was so exhausted, “but I’d rather stay.”

I’ve missed you, his look said. And Elias wasn’t sure he wanted to be alone, left alone with his thoughts and his regrets and his guilt, so – he would rather be here, even if all they did was lay down for a while. “Are you... are you sleeping again?” he asked uncertainly. He had been angry at her for not telling him she’d been struggling, but now Elias was mostly worried he had made things worse by not being here for her after the hospital and everything. If there was a way to make up for that, he would. He’d do anything.

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   Daffodil Grimstone

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Relief flooded through her and replaced nearly everything else. It was getting late and they had tried to do things by the books, but she didn't want to spend the evening alone again and if he was inclined to stay, at least for a little while, she was going to take the opportunity to keep him. Daff caught the look and smiled slowly, sighing out a chuckle. "I beg to differ, so I'm glad." Even if he didn't utter another word, she would be completely content.

"I—" She didn't want him to feel responsible, it was her own fault after all. "Yes. Better than it was." It hadn't been much sleep, but it was far better than it had been leading up to the flower show. "I promised myself I wouldn't let it get that bad again, so I've been taking the dreamless sleep potion each night." Amaryllis had been very clear about it and would be checking to make sure she was taking it. It didn't help her fall asleep, but she was averaging more hours than she had in a long time. She still stayed up late, but the exhaustion won out eventually and knowing she wasn't going to be waking up in a cold sweat helped.

Daff glanced toward her bedroom and bit her lip before thinking of a better idea. Reluctantly, she disentangled herself from him and retrieved her wand from her desk. With a few quick, practiced spells, the sitting room turned itself into the comfy pillow pile she put out when her sisters came over. Summoning her blankets from her room, she settled it all on the big cushion underneath. "My sisters and I do this when they stay the night," she chuckled, toeing off her slippers to climb into the cozy nest.

[Image: Daff-Sig-Spring24.png]
Better than it was did not say much, when the before was her ending up in a hospital bed – but the rest of his explanation stopped the protests in his throat. “Good,” he said firmly, but relieved. “It’ll get better.”

At least it would now, if this was the end of the turmoil he’d put her through –

She was puttering around casting spells, but Elias was so overwhelmed by the emotional two days he’d had that he just hovered there sort of uselessly, watching the spells work and the room transform in mild admiration.

Oh, well, if she and her sisters did it, Elias thought; though he had to smile internally at the thought of any sisterly Potts gathering, because it seemed like it would be chaos, whether it was cosy and cushioned or not. “I can just imagine it,” he said, with a chuckle. At any rate, it felt a little less like rule-breaking if they stayed on her sitting room floor, so he leant down to take off his shoes, and shrugged out of his jacket too, for comfort’s sake, before clambering in himself.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Daff had sunk completely into the cushions, her body exhausted even if her mind was still racing a bit. Relaxing back into the fluffy blue pillow, she curled up on her side facing him. "Already is," she assured him quietly, stifling a yawn behind her hand. She doubted she would have any trouble sleeping with him here. Maybe it would clear up entirely once they shared their spaces permanently. Wouldn't that be lovely?

Reaching out the arm that wasn't tucked beneath her, Daff let it settle on the first part of him she could reach. After being apart for so long, even a foot of distance felt like too far. "It's loud, and there's lots of laughter and Zinnia always braids my hair. Something always get spilled. Winston is the star though." She laughed as she felt her corgi snuggle up on her other side, claiming another pillow for himself.

Talking about something so happy and frivolous felt like a strange contrast to everything that had been said since he'd arrived, but everything felt a little lighter and the air much clearer, so for that she was grateful. They could both use something a little easier at the moment. She sighed, completely content for the first time in weeks. "I could get used to this," Daff chuckled, passing Elias a hopeful, if still tired, smile.

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   Elias Grimstone

[Image: Daff-Sig-Spring24.png]
He had always been good at wearing himself out through work, but he hadn’t been sleeping as well as he’d used to, either – there had been tossing and turning and fretting enough in the past few weeks, lying awake in the early hours wondering what he should do.

But now all his limbs were heavy and relaxed against the cushions, and when she draped an arm across him, Elias shifted closer, thinking nothing of it. He mirrored Daff’s pose on his side, lying face to face with her, more to watch her expressions shifting on her face as she talked about her sisters. There was such lightness and love in it, and as the laughter lit up her eyes something in his chest finally unwound. With his free hand, he reached out, idly caressing her shoulder for a moment – behind her, Winston huffed – and eventually moved up to her hair, threading his fingers mindlessly through the soft brown strands.

His smile back was soft around the edges, but he knew exactly what she meant. “I hope you will,” he said, get used to this. Because he would be content with everything that had happened, if only there were more moments like these in his future.

The following 1 user Likes Elias Grimstone's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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