January 1, 2021 – 6:08 PM
Ursula Black — Played by Olive
We should all be in the year 2021 now and what better way to celebrate than with our annual Winter Labyrinth challenge? For those unfamiliar with the Labyrinth the aim is to complete the tasks to find the passwords to each forum until you reach the center of the labyrinth. The prize for making it there is a shiny stamp and if you're one of the first five there's a super special bonus prize!
I now declare the
2021 Winter Labyrinth officially open! Go forth and regret your life choices!
Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
January 3, 2021 – 2:39 PM
Aldous Crouch — Played by Kayte
Another activity check come and gone! The list of inactive accounts has been compiled, with deactivations and list maintenance underway :) If you lost a character you'd like back, you may post in Maintenance starting Wednesday, 5th January. If you have no currently active characters you can post in maintenance immediately! If you lost a character before the AC, you can post there whenever you'd like!
Look for Posting Wizard totals either later today or sometime tomorrow—you can still sign up for January until it rolls over!
We have some delightful events on tap for this month, including a potion brewing competition. And of course, you can't forget the winter labyrinth!
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
— graphics by lady ❤ —
January 5, 2021 – 3:33 PM
Elias Grimstone — Played by MJ
A quick update with Posting Wizard totals... our December winners were Olive with 27 posts and Fallin with 28! Bring on January's competition, with Kayte, Emma, Kit, Lynn and Ocean all battling it out~
look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
January 24, 2021 – 1:21 PM
Aldous Crouch — Played by Kayte
I need YOU (but only if you do graphics)! It's been a couple years, and it's time to expand our selection of aesthetic avatars! click here for more information and/or to start contributing :)
Also, just a heads up that I will be cleaning up threads in pre-made characters, as well as lonely plots, two weeks from today on February 7th! The following will be deleted at the at time:
- All posts by inactive accounts—remember you can use the polyjuice button to change post author!
Any posts that were last edited before December 1st. If all your information is up to date, simply adding a space to the end of your post and submitting the change will update your edit date for you :)
If you find your adoptables post(s) are really long, you are encouraged to consider adding in a scroll! Simply replace the # in the code below with the height, and the content with your content! The scrolling part of
my ads is
1500, for reference! You can still use anchors with this, too ;)
<div style="overflow-y: scroll; height: #px;">
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
— graphics by lady ❤ —
January 31, 2021 – 2:04 PM
Aldous Crouch — Played by Kayte
Our next Activity Check will take place on
Sunday, February 7th. What do you need to ensure you get through without a headache?
- Your mini-profile is filled in with height properly formatted
- All of your characters have been listed in the Character Directory—check back on your entries to make sure they were processed properly! Anyone reactivated this month will need to be placed back on.
- Characters made before the last AC have posted at least once this month
- This one's mostly for staff, but that your full profile has been filled in ;)
If all of the above are squared away, there should be
no reason for you to fall inactive in the upcoming check! To our new members: the AC requires no work on your part. The staff team simply makes sure the above is seen to!
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
— graphics by lady ❤ —