September 19, 2019 – 8:31 AM
Song-Jin Moon — Played by MoonClaw
So, Dungeons and Dragons won't be invented for another 70 years ish, but what if like Wizards Chess, there was another game like Dungeons of Dragons?
Students would gather in a room an enchant the shit out of it making it like the Room of Requirement (maybe a teacher is involved and joins them making this more powerful. When the game is played the students (and teacher) become their characters and go through a world like you would in D&D becoming heroes in their own other words a RP inside an RP.
This is the rough idea.
Anyone interested?
September 20, 2019 – 1:24 PM
Aldous Crouch — Played by Kayte
I actually really like this idea, and I know that
Abraxas Crabbe is 100% the sort to partake—I have some others who might, depending on the ~perameters
In terms of the spellwork etc. required, it might be best to run it as a school club, with a faculty member and maybe some ~enchanted props to run the thing?
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
![[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]](
— graphics by lady ❤ —
September 20, 2019 – 3:25 PM
Billie Farrow — Played by Finn
I'm interested! I would love to either get
Archer Belby involved in this (to help boost his poor self esteen) or
Thomas Montgomery. I'd be so into this haha
MJ, yet again working her magic. <3 <3 Thank you
September 20, 2019 – 3:32 PM
Gildea Dewberry — Played by Josie
You already know Gigi is in, but I'll say it officially here :P
September 20, 2019 – 3:49 PM
Calla Potts — Played by Nichole
Ohhh yes that sounds like great fun. Sign Calla up.
![[Image: SQXZU54.png]](
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
September 29, 2019 – 7:05 AM
Song-Jin Moon — Played by MoonClaw
Aldous Crouch Billie Farrow Gildea Dewberry Calla Potts
Ok, sorry for the delay. Had almost a week long family reunion and a lot of work related stuff to do.
So seems we have the beginnings of a party, two things I'd like to do is see if all of you have Discord, if not we can talk through a group PM or here. I'd like to get a base idea going and also we should get an intro thread that would bring the group together and IC come up with the idea. Song-Jin isn't going to be much help in the way of magic as he is having trouble learning to use his wand, but he has grown up reading fantasy so he could be the idea sort of guy.
Secondly, I agree we need a to make this more a club sort of thing so what professor would be willing to sponsor this and be able to basically turn a classroom into a virtual reality sort of world? Obviously we won't be working with canon magic and be fudging lore here, but not game breaking in my opinion. Then again could be an illusion type magic and the students could learn such things as time goes on, could be useful.