August 4th, 1888
Forgive me for not writing sooner. Immediately after you left on the morning of the 2nd, I fell back asleep and did not wake until the evening. I then proceeded to stay up until this morning of the 3rd, which is when I was scheduled to return to work—and Merlin was it a shock to my body. There's nothing like being accosted by coworkers by being missing for a month, but I suppose I can be thankful that Mr. Jameshill, Mr. Sterling, and Miss Connolly were also on the expedition so I cannot alone be blamed.
Today was much more tame; I can appreciate the paperwork required of the head auror when I'm exhausted beyond comprehension. I would very much welcome your presence after a long day of work, even if it means doing nothing more than sitting on the couch together. Would you come and keep me company this evening?
— set by MJ! —