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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Blowing Smoke Rings in the Dark
July 29th, 1893 - Celestial Ball
Estelle Malfoy

Torie honestly enjoyed hosting, from the concept to the creation, she thought the night had come out well. Plenty of compliments had been handed out (though aimed at her mother), and Torie felt smug enough to finally pause and have a drink. She'd been circulating and socializing, handling staff, prepping herself for what this would be like as a society wife as best she could. All the practice would do her good, and hopefully sooner rather than later.

Spotting her sister, Torie glided over to where Estelle was settled and cast her a look. "Enjoying yourself?" She said as she grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing tray. Taking a moment to check her reflection in a nearby mirror, Torie ran a hand over her hair to settle it back into place. Her sisters seemed to be devoid of any semblance of responsibility and Raf was nowhere to be found, so Tor felt like she was handling this on her own!

At least the night air was cool and could help to tame the flush that crept along her skin from all of the running around. Thankfully everything seemed set for the moment so she could stop and enjoy the garden herself. She wanted to corner Anthony and show him the telescope, but had lost sight of him for the moment. Soon enough. Maybe Estelle or Angel would do something of use to take a little off her plate at some point. Maybe. Probably not.

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
“Of course I am,” Estelle said sullenly, and if enjoying herself meant glaring around the garden with all the force of a thousand exploding stars it was an accurate statement.

But it was unfathomably hard to enjoy the evening when Torie was everywhere she looked, as if her courtship with that idiot Anthony Alderton had allowed her to blossom in a full-blown starry socialite already. And that was before she factored in his absence – Mr. Maxime – which was so egregious and infuriating and rude of him, when no one who was anyone would dare turn down a Malfoy invitation.

Fuming about the ego of it had been fuelling her restless energy all evening, and since he wasn’t here there was no one Estelle could reasonably take it out on. If he had come she would have...

Well, it didn’t matter, did it? Instead she supposed she’d just sit here and suffer. “I suppose you’re pleased with yourself,” she commented haughtily.

"You might want to tell your face, you're positively glowering." Maybe it was just her sisterly intuition that had Torie thinking her sister's knickers were in a knot, but she didn't appear to be enjoying herself all that much. Mildly alarmed by the attitude with with her sister was addressing her, Torie cast a disapproving look in her sister's direction.

She was indeed quite pleased with herself for how the evening was turning out. Lots of accepted invitations, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, she had gotten several compliments as well as her mother. What in the name of Merlin's beard did Estelle have to be so grumpy about? "Are you unwell, do you need a rest?" Honestly Torie rather thought this was a good opportunity for her sisters to try and meet someone! Her own courting success should mean they should do better! Anthony had friends after all, all of the introductions could be made easily!

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
Estelle chose to pretend her sister had said glowing rather than glowering, though she tried to uncrease her brow and smooth out her frown before Torie’s smugness escalated.

“I’m already resting. I’m perfectly fine,” Estelle replied, casting a hand at herself and where she had been sulking sitting out the last few dances to express that this was resting, you cow.

“Where’s Mr. Alderton?” she added swiftly – less because she had any interest in seeing her sister’s puppy-esque beau again, and more because she hoped it would get Victoire to prance off and leave her be.

"Alright, alright, I was just concerned." Torie held her hands up in defeat. Something certainly had Estelle out of sorts, but she knew her sister would never admit it to her, so Torie had no choice but to drop that subject. Fortunately, Estelle came up with another readily, though the question surprised Torie a little bit.

"Mr. Alderton is dancing with his sister." Torie pointed to where Anthony was effortlessly spinning Miss Tillie across the wooden dance floor. They were clearly enjoying themselves and a warm smile tugged at her lips, even if a pang of jealousy shadowed it. She would never have such a relationship with her own siblings, but she hoped to have something like it with Anthony's.

Sighing softly, Torie followed it up with a sip of champagne. Perhaps she would have to steal his attention away soon enough. They had yet to dance together and she could use his cheery smile to get her back into sorts. "Are you sure you're alright?" She didn't want to be too much of a pest, but did worry for her sister.

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
Concerned. That was likely. Torie wouldn’t be concerned if she broke her neck, unless she was in the way whilst it happened.

Oh, there he was. Estelle followed her sister’s arm to see Alderton playing the perfect prince to his sister. Her top lip curled disdainfully... until her sister’s question caught her so off guard that her expression slipped, uncertainly.

Was she actually trying to be kind? Dear Merlin – had Estelle become so pathetic a creature that Torie was feeling sympathy? The thought made her feel quite sick. But there was something else weighing on her, so Estelle swallowed and asked, with only a slight air of suspicion. “Are you quite sure invitations were sent to everyone on the list?”

(She wouldn’t be above sabotaging her sisters by conveniently missing an invitation or two, but for anyone to do that in return, they would have to know whose face she had sorely been hoping to see, and Estelle certainly hadn’t shared that information with her family.)

Torie was starting to think she might have an idea as to why Estelle was so out of sorts. "Quite sure, but there were a few that declined to attend, were you looking for a specific attendee?" There hadn't been too many, a dozen maybe, people out of town, some business excuses.

Her curiosity was piqued and she eyed her sister dubiously, eyebrow quirked even higher than it had been before. Torie wasn't sure she'd be able to list off the regrets, but if she might be able to recognize one if her sister gave her a clue. "You shouldn't let it get you down, it's only one night." She offered with a smile. The tease of there are plenty of other eligible gentlemen was on the tip of her tongue, but she rather thought she would hate if her sister decided on blue or green hair this time for her revenge!

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
Torie wasn’t vapid enough to have missed her cause for concern beneath it – but Estelle did not have enough friends to take the opportunity to moan to someone tonight, even if it might give her sister fodder to use against her later. The fact was, Estelle felt like seething or moping or fuming or wallowing about, and she was going to let it get her down if she wanted to. She certainly wasn’t going to take Torie’s advice.

She huffed in protest of the suggestion. “He has done it to spite me, I’m sure,” she said darkly, gaze throwing daggers out at the gardens. Whatever his excuse had been, she was sure it was a lie.

Oh, that was an interesting little nugget of information. So it was certainly a gentleman in the mix. Torie was going to have to go comb over the guest list again to see if she could come up with a culprit, or perhaps two. "I'm sure that wasn't the case," it seemed odd for Estelle to think so. Why in the name of Merlin's beard would she be so downtrodden by a gentleman who would do that? Torie couldn't pretend to know what Estelle's taste in men included, but surely not something with her same... penchant for the dramatic.

"Come, let's get a drink, a strong one and go judge the dresses of Miss Twiglett and her sisters." Torie was not typically that girl. She tried very hard not to be catty or unnecessarily dramatic, but Twiglett made it so very easy with her loudness and erratic dance moves. She held out her hand to her sister, hoping that offering a preferred pastime would lighten the mood. "The colors are all wrong," she added for good measure.

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[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
Her sister’s commiseration was good for one thing, in that it was always comforting to think that Torie was wrong. And Torie was wrong about that, about Mr. Maxime – because that man did not have a pure excuse for anything, and everything he did felt deliberately intended to toy with people. Every interaction with him had felt much like a chess match, every move a... well, Estelle did not actually play chess, so she wasn’t sure, but it sounded like a good analogy.

But then Torie offered her a rare and valuable olive branch, and Estelle had to smile at it, surrendering. (Just this once. If they could bond about anything, it was this.) “Ugh, fine,” she said, giving one last feigned huff about it before pulling herself up again, eyes newly alight. “There’s a tragedy I simply must see.”

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