August 21, 2022 – 1:13 AM
Mason Skeeter — Played by Bee
With Gus holding the pot and the plan in place, Mason moved into his colleague's office. The beeswax did its job for him, so he glanced sideways at Gus to make sure he was still upright. All set on that front, so Mason turned his attention back to the wailing mandrake on the floor.
Motioning for Gus to follow him, Mason could see the the squalling juvenile letting out its little ugly cry and he pulled a face. Shaking his head, Mason waved his hand to get Gus to come over, pointing down to put the pot on the floor. Mason opened the sack of soil in his hand so he was ready to toss more on top. Grabbing the mandrake by the top, he plunged it into the pot and started to hastily toss more dirt from the bag over the wailing plant, hoping to silence it sooner rather than later.
magic by MJ the magnificent
September 2, 2022 – 4:08 PM
Gus Lissington — Played by Gin
The room was oddly silent, although he supposed that was the beeswax doing its job; how some people reveled in this was beyond him, but then again Gus was never one to want to sit in silence, let alone been able to. He was always moving; twitching his fingers, tapping his feet, sighing... he hated silence. His fingers twitched around the pot as he blinked at Mason, offering him a smile and a nod at the other’s movement.
The baby mandrake was still wailing on the floor and Gus frowned, wondering if Mason felt sorry for it (Gus did, because who wanted to be kidnapped and dumped on the floor?), or he was still unhappy about the situation. Shuffling forward when motioned, he carefully set the pot on the ground then stepped back to be out of the way, watching as the man worked to put the creature back inside and then pack it with soil. Gus helped with that - squatting down and pulling handfuls of dirt out to pack around the mandrake until it seemed satisfied, and quieted down.
Gus wrinkled his nose before he flicked his eyes up to Mason; then he gave him a thumbs up and shrugged - they were good?
September 18, 2022 – 7:01 PM
Mason Skeeter — Played by Bee
Appreciative of Gus' help, the mandrake was quickly covered to Mason's satisfaction. They liked the cold darkness of being surrounded by the dirt, which was a little morbid if Mason thought about it too long, but they were plants after all and their thought process was both limited and more instinctual than anything.
Nodding at the thumbs up, Mason pointed his wand at his left ear and expelled the wax that way; it was far more efficient than trying to dig it out by hand. "Well that should solve that," He nodded decisively, using his wand to remove the rest of the wax from his other ear before moving to clean up any spilled soil on the floor. "Now I need to catch the culprit for a month's worth of detention." Cleaning pots the hard way. Or maybe working with the dragon dung somehow, whichever seemed less pleasant at the time.
magic by MJ the magnificent
October 7, 2022 – 12:04 AM
Gus Lissington — Played by Gin
Following Mason’s lead, Gus reached for his wand to expel the wax from his ears, shaking his head as the noises came rushing back; he found he didn’t like the silence in any capacity, but then again being quiet in most situations wasn’t something he did well. (At least in tombs he had a partner or a small group of people who he could whisper to, as working alone was rare.)
He breathed out a laugh as his fingers fiddled with the edge of his scarf; if they were closer (even though Gus had dubbed Mason one his best friends and wasn’t going to let him weasel out of a friendship in any capacity), Gus probably would have hugged him. But that was weird to most people. He still managed to flick his gaze toward him and grin.
“Mason, thank you.” Because he hadn’t said that enough.
“Can I help?” He asked.
The idea of setting a trap came to mind but that might be too mean for kids - surely they’d come back around and do what? Take the mandrake back? Or see if he was dead on the floor? Well, if they were smart they wouldn’t actually come back to see their handiwork.
October 9, 2022 – 12:07 AM
Mason Skeeter — Played by Bee
With a mandrake-filled pot and everything else he'd brought up to solve the problem, Mason could use a hand getting everything back to the greenhouse. He waved off Gus with his free hand. "Not a problem, don't want anyone getting hurt, least of all you." He chuckled.
"Ah yeah, if you don't mind that would be great." With his luck, which was historically terrible, he would drop something and then the mandrake would get loose and all hell would break loose after that. "Get that soil if you don't mind?" Normally he would have tried to manage by himself, but he also figured Gus wouldn't take no for an answer either.
Making sure the mandrake was securely tucked in, he motioned toward the door. "Then I think I need something to eat." He laughed. That was enough excitement for one day.
magic by MJ the magnificent