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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

bright eyes and subtle variations of blue;;
April, 11. 1892

Basil couldn’t help the amusement that still tickled him when he thought about the letter he’d received just yesterday about his brother’s rather purple predicament. He’d spent the evening pulling a few texts to help with the matter, never before actually expecting to need to research the transigurative properties of hair style and color. He planned to spend the remainder of this week pulling a few spells to attempt when he went home. He’d already promised Atticus as much, and despite how ill they sometimes got along, Basil didn’t truly despise his brother. At least not enough to refuse helping him when he needed.

Things had actually been… rather tame between them as late. Basil wasn’t sure exactly what had started to change the tide between them, but he was on his guard for the moment it all abruptly flooded back. He didn’t trust this new, uneasy camaraderie any more than he trusted his first years to memorize their full beginner transfiguration text. Still, he was in a good mood. A charitable one. And, pulling a piece of paper to pen another timely letter, Basil hummed to himself.

Dear Ms. Malfoy,

If you do not have other engagements at present, I should like to extend an offer of invitation to our residence in Hogsmeade this Saturday, the 16th of April. I should like to introduce you to my brother, if you are so amendable.

Basil Foxwood

Eying the letter with some pride at his foresight, Basil nodded. Two birds with one stone after all; he could introduce Ms. Malfoy to his brother - a much better candidate for one so delicate, gentle, and charming as she - and he would be able to do so without going home a second time specifically to do so. He would be home on Friday to remedy the purple hair debacle, and Ms. Malfoy could come Saturday. What could go wrong?

April 12, 1892
Professor Foxwood,

I do believe Professor, that this would be up to our mamas to arrange. However, since you have written so politely, I will see if I can make something happen. Things might happen more quickly if your mother writes to mine, but as the social scene is a little slow, I might be able to sweet talk my way into it without the more formal invitation.

I will let you know, or perhaps you can see if your mother will send word.
Most Sincerely,
Miss Victoire Malfoy

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
Dear Ms. Malfoy,

I appreciate any effort you can make.

Basil Foxwood

April 14th, 1892
Professor Foxwood,

With some gentle coercion I have managed to convince Mother that we replied accordingly to the invitation already and that I was most excited to attend; she must have simply forgot and though she is otherwise engaged that day, I have a trustworthy ladies maid to bring along with me that will suit the task. What time will work best for us to call?
Most Sincerely,
Miss Victoire Malfoy

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   Basil Foxwood

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
Dear Ms. Malfoy,

You are a wonder, Ms. Malfoy. Excellent!

Let us say... 2 in the afternoon?

I will make the appropriate arrangements with my own Mama so she too is expectant.

Basil Foxwood

April 15th, 1892
Professor Foxwood,

Indeed I am. We will be there promptly at 2 in the afternoon. What are your mother's favorite flowers? I would like to send along an arrangement beforehand.

See you soon.
Most Sincerely,
Miss Victoire Malfoy

[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]
Red again! June 1894
Dear Ms. Malfoy,

An elegant touch, I applaude your attention to detail. She greatly admires irises the most.

Thank you, truly.

Basil Foxwood

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