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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Madelyn De La Fontaine
12 Posts
Played by Fee
30 year old Pure
5 ft. 8 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Madelyn Antoinette De La Fontaine

Nickname(s): Mads

Birthdate: September 11th, 1860

Age: 30


Occupation: Spinster

Blood Status: Pure

Residence: London

Hogwarts House: Unknown

Wand: Willow, 11", veela hair

Standing at 5'8", Madelyn is by no means a slight woman. She grew from an awkward teenager into a woman in the span of her last year in attendance at Beauxbatons. She was never the most trim, but despite the width of her hips or the lacing of her corset, she carries herself with confidence that transcends size. She is beautiful, strikingly so, with bright and bold features that playoff natural beauty that only need be enhanced now and again. She has never found it difficult to smile, and perhaps that is what is most enchanting. Her teeth are bright ivory, her laughter enchanting, and though she does not have an ounce of Veela in her blood she knows just how to charm a room. She is right-handed, though she stubbornly insists upon having her wrist broken at the age of thirteen she is quite attuned to using both hands for most of her daily activities. It set her back for a few days, but in that short span of time she was certain she'd achieved the title "ambidextrous". She is well accustomed to the peak of fashions, perhaps even pushing the envelope in some areas over the years. All the same, Mads has never been one to let size limit in the extent of her fashion sense. Or money. Her hair is a dark chestnut, her skin creamy, and her eyes bright. Either you find her beautiful or you do not, there is little middle ground, especially when it comes to refined pureblooded mothers.
Childhood: She was born amidst the biggest storm of the year in her family estate in the south of France. She wanted for nothing, save the silver spoon in her mouth. Her parents, of pure blood, stood firmly planted in the middle of the road politically. From as far back as she can remember, Mads had been raised with the full knowledge that she could get whatever she wanted. Not that she did, not that she should, but that she could. Her parents, though giving her a greater advantage in life compared to most, were cut from much of the same cloth as other purebloods in French Wizarding society. They stuck to their fine parties and generational fineries, passed down from son to son, daughter to daughter. As the only daughter in a family of boys, Mads learned how to stand up for herself at an early age. She did not take shit from anyone, especially them. She gave as good as she got, much to her mother's disapproval. Even at an early age she disapproved of how her daughter carried on. She was neither rebellious nor entirely compliant, but it was only her father who ever seemed to truly dote on her. Her mother was not shy when it came to sharing her thoughts and opinions with other housewives on the subject of Madelyn's weight. She saw beauty as a number and nothing more. While at first she strove to adjust her mother's opinion of her through those early years, as a witch grown she learned quickly how to put such judgment aside. For whatever she lacked in her mother's eyes, she made up for with her father who always doted upon her less superficial characteristics. She had a sharp whit, a sharper tongue, and a flare for the dramatics that spoke volumes even when she couldn't speak anything but French. Beauxbatons: When she was of the appropriate age, she left home for her education in magic and other necessary elements of the world around her. She took swiftly to charms and transfiguration. She was an average student, as she turned much of her attention on the social aspect of her schooling. She may not have been a master potioneer but she managed to secure her first boyfriend her second year. Despite her mother's constant pestering about thinning out her figure, she never wanted for physical or emotional connection. She was well-loved, by men and women, friends, family and lovers, and only ever put down by envious girls with malformed standards of beauty. There was a brief time in school where she resented a number of her female peers, but swiftly grew tired of caring about much of anything they thought. Grudges were tiresome. Later: She graduated in the middle of her class from Beauxbatons and made the move to England where her brother was living. In their family's London home, she made herself comfortable. Money had never been an issue for her, not that it was always a good thing. All the same, approaching thirty with little more than a few romantic trysts and one drunken proposal, she continued to disappoint her mother. Ever a tradition in her line of work. Marriage was never something caught her eye, though she did imagine someday to have a child or two of her own. But men were a constant source of disappointment for her, save one. All the same, investing much hope in the opposite sex never did her much good before. All the same, she wore her heart on her sleeve, determined to enjoy as much of the pain as possible.
Madelyn is possessed of a woman's most becoming feature: humility. Though she was raised under strict pureblooded standards, she has never questioned the validity of other people's struggles. She is the first to stand up for someone in a fight, even if it looks like she's picked the losing end. Luckily she's quick with a hex and doesn't have any qualms about jinxing a man (or woman) smaller than herself. She is funny, passionate, and while her temper can flare in an instant she is refined enough not to unleash it unjustly. She was never the best in her exams, but she certainly did her best when it came to her studies. She was always far more interested in what her professors were wearing rather than what they were saying. She will admit this much to anyone. Perhaps one of her greater weaknesses is her lack of talent for languages. Her English is hit or miss, and when in doubt smile and nod eagerly. She is not shy when it comes to asking for help, though she might apologize more than she ought to. She has always struggled with taking up space, and her curves did nothing for this minor insecurity. All the same, at thirty years of age, she has come to love herself exactly how she is. Like attracts like, and she is more than satisfied with her lot in life.
x: She has a cat named Poosh. x: She has traveled to 12 different countries. x: She was proposed to once after a single meeting. x: She hates formal outings with chaparones. x: Her patronus is a swan. x: She smells like roses, milk and honey.
thank you lynn ღ
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