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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Irene Fudge (Fee)
3 Posts
Played by Fee
Fifth Year
16 year old Halfblood
5 ft. in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Irene Beatrice Fudge

Nickname(s): Irene will do just fine, thank you.

Birthdate: April 3rd, 1875

Age: 16


Occupation: Student

Blood Status: Halfblood, though she wishes otherwise.

Residence: Sanditon

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Wand: 12", English Oak, Unicorn Hair

Family: Mother: Winifred Fudge
Father: Hubert Fudge
Brother: Somersby Fudge (1871)
Sister: Holliday Fudge (1873)
Brother: Paxton Fudge (1877)
Sister: Sunday Fudge (1878)
Gilbert Fudge, Grandfather [1805-1881]
Eugenia Hobday née Pince, formerly Fudge, Grandmother [1814]
Jedidiah “Uncle Jed” Hobday, Step-Grandfather [1803]
Bonnie ----- née Hobday, Step-Aunt [1845], and family
Orson Hobday, Step-Uncle [1852]
Sullivan Fisk, Grandfather [1825]
Saralyn Fisk née -----, Grandmother [18xx-18xx]
Arven Fisk, Uncle [1851]
At her best, Irene stands at five foot, three inches, but despite her slight stature, she has never had difficulty making herself noticed. What features may be deemed plain on other girls, Irene enhances with just the right gown to match her eyes, or the shade of rouge to warm her cheeks. She has tailored herself to be beautiful, even if she was not always destined to be so.

She is forever reading up on the latest trends and fashions, forever pushing herself to be better. Her eyes are bright and full of life and mischief while her smile lights up the entirety of her features, making you forget for a moment that she is a common-looking woman. Forever aware of her own disadvantages, she loathes the thought of anyone seeing her in the early morning hours before she's had the chance to do herself up.

Though she was well trained to write with her right hand, most other activities are achieved through use of her left hand. As a girl she was restricted to using only her right in academics.
Early Years

1875 | Irene Fudge is the third born child to Herbet and Freddie Fudge. They live comfortably in Godric's Hollow with their three children.

1877 | Irene learns how to talk and walk later than she was expected to. As it turns out, she's great at following Holliday around. Months later, Paxton is born. Irene has no recollections of this event. Her parents notice, however, she's prone relax when in his presence.

1878 | Sunday is born into the family, one of her earliest memories. She's mesmerized by how small her sister is.

1879 | At this point, Irene shows a preference towards staying outside than being trapped in-between four walls. She loves playing with plants and creatures, and has to be taught constantly about what not to do for safety's reasons. When she sees a dying rosebush on a close garden, her sadness is channeled into magic soon as her fingers touch the petals; the rose is revived, and Irene is static. She's healed the flowers [i]and[/i] she is a wizard.

1880 | While in holidays, both Holliday and Paxton display their first signs of magic. The irony doesn't miss her, and Irene is secretly proud of herself for showing these signs earlier than her older sister. Furthermore, she can't help but hold a small grudge for how they embarrassed their parents by hurting bystanders. Irene is proud nonetheless, though none of this helps with her smugness.

1881 | Her grandfather dies while on the job. She doesn't know what to think of it, though by now she's realized how much money is valued to the family. Instead of focusing on this, she does her best to accommodate granny, while focusing on school to the best she can. Irene is prouder of herself when she's making others proud.

1882 | Her parents sell their home and they move to another. At first Irene is scared and reluctant, but she changes her mind as soon as they set eyes on the new home. It's huge and she understands some of her parents' vision, even though she does misses the garden from their previous place. If anything, the worst part of the year is watching her brother leave for Hogwarts; she wished to be in his place instead.

1883 | Irene sees the opening of the resort. She never thought of meeting so many people. Soon enough, there are so many kids to play with she's rarely alone. Exceptions are for studying and gardening, a hobby she's taken for herself. When her parents open the Zoo, it all feels like a paradise.

1884 | Granny remarries to Uncle Jed, which both her and Holliday believe to be quite confusing. Nonetheless, she's happy for her granny if it means finding happiness. She's once again jealous of her older sister, since she gets to leave for Hogwarts, but it's one good thing to be alone - now the spotlight is on her and her older siblings.

1885 | Irene is finally a ten-year-old, which means there's only one year before she goes to Hogwarts and people finally take her seriously. More so than before, anyways. By then, she has convinced her parents it's ok to have her help with gardens and creatures, even if she barely does anything with the latter. Her favorite past-time is playing with the kids who stay at the resort, and she's made friends for when she goes to Hogwarts.[/align]


1886 | Irene is thrilled when she leaves home for Hogwarts. She'll miss her parents very much and she knows, but it's nothing compared to studying at the place she's dreamed of for years. The Sorting Hat takes a minute to decide between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, but she's soon walking towards the second house; her desire to prove herself as a great wizard and daughter hasn't lessened, though she would never do anything damaging to her family's reputation. In fact, she's sweet enough to soon have many friends at school, and nobody is surprised when she excels at Herbology. Though she's far from a Ravenclaw as are her siblings, she works hard to do well in all her classes.

1887 | Nobody expected a tragedy to happen while her father attended the Wizarding World Market. Alas, this is exactly what happens, and her older sister is shocked when their father sacrifices himself to save her. Irene is eager to hold it against her sister, enraged by their father's loss in the first place, but he comes back as a ghost, which leaves her even more confused. She doesn't know whether to be exultant her father will still be there for her, or ashamed he isn't even a live being in the first place.

1887 (2) | In almost worse news, Holliday's best friend is revealed to be a werewolf, which makes her want to distance herself even further from her sister; a part of her is worried their reputation will be highly damaged, while the other is scared for Holliday - not that she knows how to word this. She asks for her sisters' help with Transfiguration, though she doesn't need it. It's the way she knows to remain close to her sister without navigating deeper topics. Irene targets better grades as opposed to more knowledge. She won't speak to her sister any more than necessary, even after asking for help; still conflicted, and unaware of how best to bring it up she's not comfortable with Holliday's choices.

1887 (3) | Irene dreads the thought of furthering her studies of Defense Against the Dark Arts, given her reflexes aren't always up to speed. For this reason, she also asks for help to her older brother, this time a lot more focused on doing better with the tutoring. She's once again happy about returning to Hogwarts, and rarely runs into problems at school.

1888 | On better news, Somersby seems to have given up on helping their family with the Zoo, which means Irene works harder to take over his place when she's older. It's all made better by the fact that she begins studying Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy. Irene excels on both without having to make as much effort as her peers, though it's all down to personal preference. It's almost a good thing she's afraid of heights, given there's more time for her friends and studying; after all, those are the most important things to be focused on. Paxton is to start Hogwarts with their siblings.

1889 | To Irene's dismay, Somersby has graduated. This means losing the person who's been helping her with DADA, but Irene is determined not to need any more help. She's slowly getting closer to her sister, though she still holds her accountable for befriending somebody who later turned into a werewolf. Fourth Year at Hogwarts is something she's extremely excited about and life is still really good. Not to mention, she has a cat now. And Sunday, who started studying at Hogwarts in 1889.

1890 | Despite her continued efforts in DADA, Irene has proven to be a disappointment in this line of magic. Irritated with herself she redoubles her efforts in other areas of magic and insists on as much extra credit as available. With her cat by her side and Sunday, she has attempted to further mend her relationship with her sister to little success. She remains to this day, deeply rooted in an unjust prejudice against tainted blood. Hypocritical, yes.

1891 | As she moves into the later years of her studies at Hogwarts, Irene doubles down and begins climbing the social ladder. She is surefooted and confident, but not without faults and insecurities. She is in this for the long game, and while her abilities in certain classes may wax and wane, she does her best to devote herself entirely to her ambitions.
From where Irene stands, at the center of the universe, the view is tranquil. People follow routine, customs, and habits as she looks on with calculating eyes. She is a hawk, a sharp-eyed predator that lurks above only to slide in when most vulnerable. What she depends entirely on what she needs, and as long as she comes first she will play the long game of friendship much to her advantage. She is a Slytherin through and through and is often plagued by a lack of empathy when her own agenda is in question. She loves animals but is practical enough to recognize the uses for magical creatures both living and otherwise.

Though she has never tolerated blood or gore, she is not ignorant to the fact that everything in this universe has a purpose, a plan. She sees through, what others may not. Be it a test, a chess match, or a testy young thestral, she is more than capable of handling herself under stressful situations.

She is cold and reserved when it suits her, but for the most part those who know Irene would say that had a warm and loving relationship. Whether this is a ruse or not remains to be seen as the future unfolds. She warns men from the start not to get in her way, unless they wish to be cut down, and has escaped largely untouched. What little romance she had ever experienced had been manufactured by a daring dose of love potation, a dare, and sweaty hand-holding. Nothing more, nothing less. After all, a lady is nothing if not modest.

She is a hopeless romantic despite her insistance that she needs no man to secure her happiness. She keeps her favorite book stashed beneath her mattress with pages worn and tired despite her attentive use of spells to mend it.

She is a delicate balance of everything respectable, and what is practical. Though she is one for gardening and care of magical creatures and has never shied away from a bit of mud, she is careful to conduct herself with the utmost poise and grace. After all, women are just as capable as men when it comes to labor. They just carry it with more distinction.

Yet, despite all of the sharp angles that construct this witch, there is something soft and fragile beneath the exterior. She is fragile, vulnerable, and ever on guard to take care of that heart she wears on her sleeve. With her family she is vulnerable, especially in the wake of her father's death. She turned to her sisters instead of his astral form, and is struggling now to put aside prejudices and be as warm as she can.
Irene is an accomplished player at wizards chess and other games of drawn-out strategy. She often claims she's able to see the pieces come alive before she's given voice to her instructions. Her divination professor once deemed it a gift of foresight, she simply acknowledges it as intelligence.

Despite her pride, she is the last person to boast of her own abilities, preferring others to come up with compliments organically. She is gracious and thankful for every kind word, but her ego is not to be rivaled. That being said, she is not without insecurities. When things fail to go her way, or as planned, she often finds herself amidst inner turmoil which is taken out in a variety of less than healthy ways. She is exceedingly picky about what food she takes in, ever paranoid of the fit of her corset should he stays be drawn too tight.

She is particular in other manners as well, but few are as substantial as her need for perfection.
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