July 21st, 1888 - Outside the entrance to the Sanditon Resort main reception
Why on Merlin’s earth was it so busy!
Sure, Paxton had reasoned that the resort had picked up due to that fog that was encroaching up north in Hogsmeade but he hadn’t understood why it was this busy.
He couldn’t complain though; it gave him the perfect excuse to move away from his sibling (who had been tasked with keeping him from getting into any trouble). See, Paxton was short enough to easily move amongst the crowd that had been gathering outside of the resort so he could start his little adventure toward his most favourite part of Sanditon: the zoo!
He had gotten about half-way through the crowd when he tripped on someone’s feet and practically slid across the floor. With furrowed brows, a hearty wince, Paxton glared up at the apologetic adult and huffed before storming off a little.
He turned to make sure the adult was aware he was still glaring at them when he came crashing into someone just as his head turned to look where he was going. Moving back a little, Paxton threw his arms in the air before crossing them, “Why does this keep happening! I am not invisible!” He screamed toward the air before stamping his foot and continuing to move – he didn’t even care who he’d just bumped into.
Then he saw the flower girl from the beach!
“Miss Mulciber!” He yelled toward her – though she looked quite uncomfortable – and moved toward her with a small limp; his left knee bleeding slightly from when he’d decided to befriend the floor, “What’s—what’s wrong, Miss Mulciber?” He asked with a tone of concern.
Sure, Paxton had reasoned that the resort had picked up due to that fog that was encroaching up north in Hogsmeade but he hadn’t understood why it was this busy.
He couldn’t complain though; it gave him the perfect excuse to move away from his sibling (who had been tasked with keeping him from getting into any trouble). See, Paxton was short enough to easily move amongst the crowd that had been gathering outside of the resort so he could start his little adventure toward his most favourite part of Sanditon: the zoo!
He had gotten about half-way through the crowd when he tripped on someone’s feet and practically slid across the floor. With furrowed brows, a hearty wince, Paxton glared up at the apologetic adult and huffed before storming off a little.
He turned to make sure the adult was aware he was still glaring at them when he came crashing into someone just as his head turned to look where he was going. Moving back a little, Paxton threw his arms in the air before crossing them, “Why does this keep happening! I am not invisible!” He screamed toward the air before stamping his foot and continuing to move – he didn’t even care who he’d just bumped into.
Then he saw the flower girl from the beach!
“Miss Mulciber!” He yelled toward her – though she looked quite uncomfortable – and moved toward her with a small limp; his left knee bleeding slightly from when he’d decided to befriend the floor, “What’s—what’s wrong, Miss Mulciber?” He asked with a tone of concern.