The fog surrounded everything. It had consumed the magical community, not just in the physical sense but it had consumed the media and the government as well. A sense of panic bubbled under the surface, both at work and at home. Percival hated the feeling of his magic damping to the point nonexistence as he returned to the town. In fact he was thinking of taking rooms in London until the fog dispated.
Like the town and ministry Percy's thoughts were consumed by the musty fog as he walked through it from the designated apperation point toward home. If he weren't worried about Lissy, Cat, and the children, he might actually have stayed in London. But his sisters then would have no protection. Cat and children had moved to their father's in North Bartonburg when the fog had reached Wellingtonshire at Percy's insistence. He had heard at the Ministry that it was expected to spread and it seemed the most logical plan of action. He would have done the same if it weren't for the easier access to an apperation location by his own home. Instead he had resolved to make his way down the pathways to his father's as frequently as he could.
He knew others walked through the fog, traveling as quietly as ghosts. He could hear feet and low murmurs as the brave ventured forward. He had developed a shuffle that included a sideways move that had him lead with his shoulder and a bent elbow if he were to accidentally walk into someone. From time to time he would call if he heard footsteps closer, but for the most part he stared blindly into the fog as he went.
Somewhere a dog barked and thinking of Lily, Percy's gaze turned from the path before him out of habit. At the same moment Percy wander right into someone. "Oh! I do apologize." It wasn't the first time that Percy had run into someone in the fog, indeed it seemed inevitable and as such manners adjusted to the situation.
Thaddeus Davies
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Pretties from Lady <3