February 10, 2018 – 3:57 AM
Sisse Thompsett — Played by Fallin
February 10th, 1888 - Lower Corridors of Hogwarts
It was a few hours before supper when Sisse's stomach had begun to grumble. She had eaten dinner earlier than usual with a group of her dormmates content to settle into the library for the afternoon to attempt to finish a project for magic theory. Of course the afternoon hadn't gone quite as she had planned. She'd abandoned her magical theory project after only an hour when the quiet of the library had begun to grate on her. Her mother had always encouraged her to do her studies there, but the quiet without anyone else there to soften the quiet, simply distracted her even more. She preferred to try to get her work done in the common room with the pleasant buzz of activity around her. Hence the reason she had left the library to return to the common room to work on her sketches for her art course instead.
Of course then she had been distracted by her stomach grumbling and when Sloane had admitted the same the two girls had decided to find a snack. Of course this meant trying to find the kitchens, something Sloane's brothers had mentioned to her. Sisse had mentioned looking for it in the lower corridors of Hogwarts as she felt certain that had been where Mr. Blackwall had been coming from when she ran into him before the Christmas break. She had been looking for Miss Pine to give her her Christmas card and had heard the Slytherin Common Room was in the dungeons when she had stumbled across Mr. Blackwall. So she had suggested starting their search down there.
I thought it was somewhere near here..." Sisse was saying to Sloane as they rounded yet another corner. She had thought it was familiar and now she wasn't so sure. Had they already been down this hallway?
@'Elsie Beauregard'
Sloane Bixby
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
February 18, 2018 – 2:26 AM
Sloane Bixby — Played by Bee
Studying. Sloane was kind of already over it and she was barely halfway through her first year. So many more years of it left... so why do it all in the beginning? She had her potions text next to her as she lay on the floor of the common room, legs up on the nearest armchair as she surveyed the room upside down. She had been studying, but it was much more fun to spy on people from her vantage point on the floor. Sisse wast sketching nearby and Sloane couldn't see what she was working on, but Sisse was pretty talented at it anyway.
Dinner was long over and Sloane was getting munchy. Her stomach rumbled to punctuate the thought and it had her rolling over to see if Sisse was game to find the kitchens. Wallace had mentioned the kitchens being accessible to students, but was particularly mum on how to access them. He did mention they were downstairs somewhere near the Hufflepuff common room, but Sloane didn't know where that was either... maybe she should have asked Calla.
Luckily it wasn't too hard to convince Sisse to see if they could locate the kitchen itself and so downstairs they went! "All Wallace said was downstairs." Not particularly helpful, though Sisse also had some info as to where they should start. "Oh! I wonder if we can find a house elf or something, I bet they know!" They worked in the kitchens too, right?
February 20, 2018 – 4:25 AM
Sisse Thompsett — Played by Fallin
Sisse had only heard rumors from Matthew that Hogwarts had house elves. Although she had never seen one here and had begun to believe her brother had been pulling her leg all along. "
I thought Matthew was teasing about that." She admitted as she paused in her steps and turned taking in the corridor around them. There were absolutely no hints anywhere about. "
Do you think one might give us directions?" It seemed a much safer option than asking a random older student. Although to be honest Sisse had never actually spoken to a house elf. Her family didn't own any and she had so rarely been allowed to accompany her mother on social calls back home that she didn't often see others who might have had one either.
@'Elsie Beauregard'
Sloane Bixby
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom