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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Where Are You Now?
April 28, 1888
The rumors circling alone has been giving me concerns that your father would or has done something terrible to you. Now I am hearing that you have vanished, and that even the people of your work have not seen you! I know how much you love it there, and the fact that you haven’t gone has given me serious concerns for your wellbeing.

I need to hear from you, please let me know where you are. Please give me some peace of mind. You know I would never spread any rumors about you, and that I would never do something that I knew would hurt you. I hope you trust me with the truth. Please trust me. So that I know it is you, please put a secret that only is known by you and me… and please make sure that no one else could read it, how dreadful would it be if anyone knew any of our shared secrets.

Bella Scrimgeour

MJ made Magic!


28 April, 1888
— Regina —

I can't respond. I'm afraid he's watching. Reading. I can't have him find me.

— B —

29 April, 1888
— Regina —

I know there's been gossip about me, but it's better off that everyone thinks I'm missing right now.

— B —

29 April, 1888
— Regina —

What's been said about my father? Do people know what he's done? I'd think the MacFusty family wou

— B —


April 30, 1888
The paper has officially announced your disappearance, and Witch Weekly is even questioning if your father had done anything. I’m so concerned. Send me something.

I saw your twin. In my emotional state I had briefly mistaken her for you. Poor dear, I even hugged her. I wish it was you. I had hoped it was you. Are you dead? Is that it? Is that why I receive nothing?

May 2, 1888
Perhaps it is useless to send you anything. However much I open up to you, I seem to hit a wall with each discussion. Do you even care that I’m scared for your wellbeing.

May 5, 1888
Do you hate me? Is it because I’ve actually wanted to participate in society functions? Is it for always rambling about my guardian? Am I just useless?

May 10 1888
I doubt you would actually wish to speak to me. I doubt I’ll even send this. Perhaps I will write to your new husband, Reuben is it? Shall I address these letters as Mrs. Crouch now?

May 12, 1888
… The last draft of my letters was harsh, cruel even. I’m sure you would never run off with a womanizer like him. You have better judgement than that. I’m just so worried, so scared for you, and you refuse to send a single letter to me. Oh, how I wish you would.


May 14, 1888
I knew it. I knew that he must have hurt you in some way. He’s insane and cruel and evil and… and why didn’t you write me? He does not know my owl, I don’t think you ever mentioned me to him, have you? Why hadn’t you gone to me? My guardian wouldn’t have cared. We would have gone to the authorities sooner, granted, but that would have only meant that he would have been arrested sooner. You would have been safe sooner. You could have at least put my mind at rest. Who have you written to? Did you write to anyone at all? Did at least someone have some peace of mind that you were alive?

MJ made Magic!

15 May, 1888
— Regina —

If it makes you feel better, only two people knew where I was (and Cora was not one of them, either).

— B —


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