Roslyn's eyebrows arched in surprise. It seemed almost anticlimactic that the paper would deliver the news before the official word—but then, she supposed, there was a great deal of protocol regarding Ministry of Magic affairs. Protocol that would now become her life.
"I imagine the next few days—weeks, even—will be very hectic," Ros allowed. "I shall tell Miss Darrow first thing in the morning, so that she might help prepare Idris." Fortunately, his young age meant their son would be little in the spotlight.
"Of course, there's also the matter of our families, your department heads—you'll have to make a speech sooner than later. Have you spoken with Konstantin?" She was, the witch realized, beginning to spiral slightly.
"I imagine the next few days—weeks, even—will be very hectic," Ros allowed. "I shall tell Miss Darrow first thing in the morning, so that she might help prepare Idris." Fortunately, his young age meant their son would be little in the spotlight.
"Of course, there's also the matter of our families, your department heads—you'll have to make a speech sooner than later. Have you spoken with Konstantin?" She was, the witch realized, beginning to spiral slightly.

— #PrettiesByMJ —