Fletcher nodded, not really at all surprised she didn't often take days off. He didn't usually either. Or, at the very least, he hadn't before she became a constant in his life. He'd been a but of an extreme workaholic and he'd constantly had to listen to his mother complain about it. But it was clear he hadn't had to attend a bunch of society events to find a wife. His meeting of Eavan had been a bit random really and he was quite happy for it.
He finished off the last bits of his own breakfast as she'd pondered and then spoke. He nodded simply, having no issue of simply staying inside with her and keeping her all to himself for the day. With his own plate discarded and his coffee still in hand, he slipped his free arm around her as she curled into him.
"I'm pretty sure I'd be just fine with a day spent inside with just you," he said with a grin before placing a soft but lingering kiss on her lips. She tasted just like the coffee in her hands and the bacon she'd ate. He liked it. All of it.
He finished off the last bits of his own breakfast as she'd pondered and then spoke. He nodded simply, having no issue of simply staying inside with her and keeping her all to himself for the day. With his own plate discarded and his coffee still in hand, he slipped his free arm around her as she curled into him.
"I'm pretty sure I'd be just fine with a day spent inside with just you," he said with a grin before placing a soft but lingering kiss on her lips. She tasted just like the coffee in her hands and the bacon she'd ate. He liked it. All of it.