Jack was entranced by the woman. "Nothing would bring me more joy than to show you every secret in Paris. I do 'ope to see you again, mademoiselle, for you are indeed a mystery." He turned to face her head-on and fidgeted with his caravat. "May I 'ave your name, so as to find you again? I would very much like to 'old you to that dance."
He hoped she would consent to take up correspondence with him, if only he could learn her name. He had never been so taken by a woman, and though he knew it was foolish to try to pursue a courtship, he could not help it. He could always run back to France and live his days as Jaqueline if it ever went truly terribly, he supposed.
He hoped she would consent to take up correspondence with him, if only he could learn her name. He had never been so taken by a woman, and though he knew it was foolish to try to pursue a courtship, he could not help it. He could always run back to France and live his days as Jaqueline if it ever went truly terribly, he supposed.