Avril fought the urge to sign at her brother's words. She didn't need to 'freshen up on etiquette', but she supposed that was significantly better than having the live with Aunt Jade or Grandfather for an undisclosed amount of time.
She still didn't know how to bring up the fact that she wanted another wand. Needed, more than wanted, but she could survive without one for a little while longer. She'd already gone over a month without one.
Avril didn't want to say anything more - it felt like everytime she said something her actions or tone would contradict what she was trying to say - so she settled on just giving her brother a short nod of agreement.
MJ made Avril's set!

She still didn't know how to bring up the fact that she wanted another wand. Needed, more than wanted, but she could survive without one for a little while longer. She'd already gone over a month without one.
Avril didn't want to say anything more - it felt like everytime she said something her actions or tone would contradict what she was trying to say - so she settled on just giving her brother a short nod of agreement.