Stupid. Completely and utterly stupid. That’s what she was calling him! It was nothing short of perhaps the worst insult imaginable and Paxton didn’t have a single bone in his body that was not getting riled up!
Crossing his arms and glaring viciously toward her, Paxton waited until she’d finished before speaking himself; “The only stupid one here is you! You don’t know where you are going and you will get trampled by people and – and – and if you go to the zoo the giraffes will eat you.” He huffed before turning on the balls of his feet to walk away.
He got a few paces before noticing someone who actually kind of looked like Flora and so he turned around, “Also they’re over there, Miss Mulciber.” Paxton spat his words and pointed toward the few person.
He didn’t know if the person was Flora’s family but at this point he didn’t care. She was a bully!
All girls were!
Crossing his arms and glaring viciously toward her, Paxton waited until she’d finished before speaking himself; “The only stupid one here is you! You don’t know where you are going and you will get trampled by people and – and – and if you go to the zoo the giraffes will eat you.” He huffed before turning on the balls of his feet to walk away.
He got a few paces before noticing someone who actually kind of looked like Flora and so he turned around, “Also they’re over there, Miss Mulciber.” Paxton spat his words and pointed toward the few person.
He didn’t know if the person was Flora’s family but at this point he didn’t care. She was a bully!
All girls were!