If anything, it was Flora who could not figure out why she'd continue to seek him out - and enjoy her time around him, bar the few times she'd almost cried. It was obvious he was trying to help, but he was really and truly awful at it. He over-exaggerated, jumped to conclusions without looking at every possibility, and yelled at her whenever she contradicted him. She would say that all boys were like him, but they weren't. Rex wasn't like that. Sirius wasn't like that. Most boys weren't like that - not really. But Mr. Fudge was, and she just couldn't wrap her head around it!
"We have not been everywhere," she huffed, resisting the urge to stomp her foot and flail her arms about in exasperation. "Not to the zoo, not back to my room, not to the other side of the resort! For someone who lives here, you have absolutely no grasp of the size of this place!"
"We have not been everywhere," she huffed, resisting the urge to stomp her foot and flail her arms about in exasperation. "Not to the zoo, not back to my room, not to the other side of the resort! For someone who lives here, you have absolutely no grasp of the size of this place!"