September 1887
Constituency of One with Ros
December 1887
Welcome to Wherever You Are with Ros
March 1888
Faith-Based Initiative with Lady Adinbury and Mr. Scamander
May 1888
Edric's Declassified: Work Survival Guide with Edric Umbridge
The Benign Prerogative with Mr. Barnabas Skeeter
June 1888
MEMO: Department Heads with the Usual Suspects
Evidence of Things Not Seen with the Usual Suspects
I Am Not a Muggle with Mr. Durant Lecuyer
MEMO: Important Personnel with Most Personnel, Many Non-Important
Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail with Mr. Baxter Keene
Killing Two Birds with One Stone with Benji*
MEMO: Mild Rebuke with Edric Umbridge
Power & Control with Edric Umbridge*
July 1888
Impact Winter with Morwenna Skeeter*
Constituency of One with Ros
December 1887
Welcome to Wherever You Are with Ros
March 1888
Faith-Based Initiative with Lady Adinbury and Mr. Scamander
May 1888
Edric's Declassified: Work Survival Guide with Edric Umbridge
The Benign Prerogative with Mr. Barnabas Skeeter
June 1888
MEMO: Department Heads with the Usual Suspects
Evidence of Things Not Seen with the Usual Suspects
I Am Not a Muggle with Mr. Durant Lecuyer
MEMO: Important Personnel with Most Personnel, Many Non-Important
Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail with Mr. Baxter Keene
Killing Two Birds with One Stone with Benji*
MEMO: Mild Rebuke with Edric Umbridge
Power & Control with Edric Umbridge*
July 1888
Impact Winter with Morwenna Skeeter*