Finnian nodded solemnly at Mrs. Bones' remark. The only comfort was knowing that, upon returning back to the Ministry, he'd be able to tell his coworkers that he wasn't the most foolish of the bunch—objectively speaking. Then again, he also hadn't gone and got himself bitten in half by a crocodile, or charged by a water buffalo.
Surprisingly, he'd done well.
"Should we, you know, pick him up and take him along?" he asked awkwardly, his gaze shifting between between Mrs. Bones, the professor, and the stranger whose name he hadn't bothered to gather. "Or would touching him - I don't know - turn me into a cat? Maybe the master plan is to turn everyone turn into cats through chain cat-touching."
Surprisingly, he'd done well.
"Should we, you know, pick him up and take him along?" he asked awkwardly, his gaze shifting between between Mrs. Bones, the professor, and the stranger whose name he hadn't bothered to gather. "Or would touching him - I don't know - turn me into a cat? Maybe the master plan is to turn everyone turn into cats through chain cat-touching."

— set by MJ! —
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