Being separated from her family was immensely stressful, but knowing Mr. Fudge was alone as well gave her some comfort. As the son of the resort's proprietor, he undoubtedly knew his way around; at the very least, he'd be able to help her find someone who could send for her family.
Her gaze followed his to his bloodied knee, and not a moment later her mouth was as wide as her eyes.
"How awful, Mr. Fudge!" she gasped, immediately bending down to get a look at it. It wasn't too bad and could likely be taken care of with a simple bandage—but they didn't really have one of those.
"Does it hurt very badly? We must take you to see a nurse of some sort."
Her gaze followed his to his bloodied knee, and not a moment later her mouth was as wide as her eyes.
"How awful, Mr. Fudge!" she gasped, immediately bending down to get a look at it. It wasn't too bad and could likely be taken care of with a simple bandage—but they didn't really have one of those.
"Does it hurt very badly? We must take you to see a nurse of some sort."