The urgency in Flora's voice had Paxton worried for her. He looked around with wide eyes as he came to a halt in front of her to see if he could find an older looking Flora (assuming she looked like her mother!), though it was a lost cause.
He turned back to her and frowned, "I can't see them! So you're all alone and apparently I'm invisible," Paxton said dejectedly as his gaze shifted to his slightly bloodied knee. It wasn't really that bad; a small graze; though if he could make it sound like a battlescar, he would.
"I got this in there!" He said, throwing his finger toward the general direction of the bulk of the crowd.
Though to him they were no longer people. They were jungle animals ready to pounce; snarling at one another and lunging at children, ready to eat them.
"I barely escaped. I had to slide through them before they caught me!" He exclaimed, omitting the obvious truth that he had really just fallen over.
He turned back to her and frowned, "I can't see them! So you're all alone and apparently I'm invisible," Paxton said dejectedly as his gaze shifted to his slightly bloodied knee. It wasn't really that bad; a small graze; though if he could make it sound like a battlescar, he would.
"I got this in there!" He said, throwing his finger toward the general direction of the bulk of the crowd.
Though to him they were no longer people. They were jungle animals ready to pounce; snarling at one another and lunging at children, ready to eat them.
"I barely escaped. I had to slide through them before they caught me!" He exclaimed, omitting the obvious truth that he had really just fallen over.